jammsen / docker-palworld-dedicated-server

Docker container to easily provision and manage Palworld Dedicated Server
MIT License
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[Bug Report / Configuration] RCON Timeout [Resolved] #77

Closed newenpoi closed 7 months ago

newenpoi commented 7 months ago

Have you read the Important information text above

Current behavior

Might be more a misconfiguration than a bug and please excuse me if it is so,

While running docker compose run --rm rcon info I get the following result cli: execute: auth: rcon: dial tcp i/o timeout

Desired behavior

It should output the description set at the environment variable SERVER_DESCRIPTION, like in the given example on the readme Welcome to Pal Server[v0.1.2.0] jammsen-docker-generated-20384.

Links to screenshots


To Reproduce

I used the default docker compose given as in the example, only the published port for the dedicated server (not rcon) has been modified to 7777, the rest is basically the same.

I also tried to switch between RCON_ENABLED True & False, it was False by default, no changes.

I tried to edit this line entrypoint: ['/rcon', '-a', '', '-p', 'passwd'] (with the corresponding password from the dedicated server of course), by using palworld-dedicated-server:25575 instead, no changes.

Software setup

Hardware setup

Enough power to fry my whole building I guess... πŸ˜†

Additional context

No response

jammsen commented 7 months ago

Hello @newenpoi - Please remove my testing ip and update it with your docker-node ip πŸ˜„

jammsen commented 7 months ago

Do you have Discord? Can you add me and we jump in a call please? Nickname jammsen

newenpoi commented 7 months ago

Thank you for your reply @jammsen , I just recently started using Docker, so the term docker-node ip is not very relevant to me yet, however, I suppose you meant this line "IPAddress": "" when doing a docker inspect on the container?

Please correct me if I am wrong, also, I added you on discord. πŸ˜†

Ignoto95 commented 7 months ago

Thank you for your reply @jammsen , I just recently started using Docker, so the term docker-node ip is not very relevant to me yet, however, I suppose you meant this line "IPAddress": "" when doing a docker inspect on the container?

Please correct me if I am wrong, also, I added you on discord. πŸ˜†

Yes, also you can use "ip addr show docker0" for view the ip address of docker and use that! change the docker-compose.yml and you can re-run command. GLHF

newenpoi commented 7 months ago

Thank you for your suggestion @Ignoto95 , but on Windows 11, this issue is resolved by using this line for example entrypoint: ['/rcon', '-a', '', '-p', 'passwd'] instead of entrypoint: ['/rcon', '-a', '', '-p', 'passwd']. Seems like docker on W11 didn't liked the loopback (:

Thanks for your time @jammsen !

kdaye commented 7 months ago

pls help, I have not idea about this issue.cli: execute: auth: rcon: dial tcp connect: connection refused


version: '3.9'
    container_name: palworld
    image: jammsen/palworld-dedicated-server:latest
    restart: always
    network_mode: bridge
      - target: 8211 # gamerserver port inside of the container
        published: 8211 # gamerserver port on your host
        protocol: udp
        mode: host
      - target: 25575 # rcon port inside of the container
        published: 25575 # rcon port on your host
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - PGID=1000
      - PUID=1000
      - MAX_PLAYERS=32
      - RCON_ENABLED=true
      - RCON_PORT=25575
      - PUBLIC_IP=
      - PUBLIC_PORT=8211
      - SERVER_NAME=PalWorld
      - ADMIN_PASSWORD=adminpaswd
      - BACKUP_ENABLED=true
      - BACKUP_CRON_EXPRESSION=0 * * * *
      - COLLECTION_DROP_RATE=5.000000
      - ENEMY_DROP_ITEM_RATE=5.000000
      - DEATH_PENALTY=None
      - NIGHTTIME_SPEEDRATE=0.300000
      - EXP_RATE=1.000000
      - ./game:/palworld

    image: outdead/rcon:latest
    entrypoint: ['/rcon', '-a', '', '-p', 'adminpaswd']
    profiles: ['rcon']

docker inspect palworld "IPAddress": "",

$ip addr show docker0
5: docker0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default 
    link/ether 02:42:a3:f2:48:4d brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global docker0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fd00::1/80 scope global 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::42:a3ff:fef2:484d/64 scope link proto kernel_ll 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::1/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever


[root@archlinux PalServer]# docker compose run --rm rcon info
cli: execute: auth: rcon: dial tcp connect: connection refused

Thanks everyone.

Zoorn commented 7 months ago

I dont know if its important but you have a number twister in your config @kdaye : docker inspect show the default ip and in your docker-compose.yml you have 172 and 127.

Hope its the problem. GL

jammsen commented 7 months ago

@kdaye Use the IP adress of the host Docker is running on, not the internal ips.

Im closing this issue as resolved, as @newenpoi problem is solved.

If you like this project, please consider giving this repo and the docker-hub-repo a Star.

valamidev commented 7 months ago

You can add RCON Buddy to manage your RCON via HTTP:

There is example for a docker-compose in the readme: