jamoma / JamomaCore

Jamoma Frameworks for Audio and Control Structure
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Doxygen documentation need to be extended for deprecated methods in TTEnvironment.h #284

Closed nwolek closed 10 years ago

nwolek commented 10 years ago

This is similar to issue #165

With the addition of TTObject, there are 8 methods that have been deprecated in TTEnvironment. These used to be the public interface for accessing object from the Jamoma API.

To close this issue, we need to provide Doxygen comments for each method that point to the new syntax. Most of the new syntax has been documented here: http://api.jamoma.org/chapter_usingobjects.html

Methods can be found here: https://github.com/jamoma/JamomaCore/blob/merge/api_and_api-cleanup/Foundation/library/includes/TTEnvironment.h#L172

nwolek commented 10 years ago

An example of how to replace TTGetRegisteredClassNamesForTags can be found on commit 607475f

nwolek commented 10 years ago

There might be an issue with the Doygen syntax and the deprecation macro interfering with each other. I cannot get my deprecated comments to show up. I am in the process of investigating, but need to stop for now.

Link to command: http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/commands.html#cmddeprecated

nwolek commented 10 years ago

Got it working now on commit c304264