jamoma / JamomaCore

Jamoma Frameworks for Audio and Control Structure
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Doxygen says TTValue:get() is still being used in several places #298

Closed nwolek closed 10 years ago

nwolek commented 10 years ago

Referenced by EulerUnit::convertFromNeutral(), SphericalUnit::convertFromNeutral(), AxisUnit::convertFromNeutral(), PolarUnit::convertFromNeutral(), OpenGlUnit::convertFromNeutral(), CylindricalUnit::convertFromNeutral(), Cartesian2DUnit::convertToNeutral(), EulerUnit::convertToNeutral(), SphericalUnit::convertToNeutral(), AxisUnit::convertToNeutral(), PolarUnit::convertToNeutral(), OpenGlUnit::convertToNeutral(), CylindricalUnit::convertToNeutral(), TTAudioGraphSig::dictionary(), filter_gettypes(), main(), TTDataParseCommand(), and wrapAsMaxAudioGraph().

lossius commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your persistence here, Nathan! I've fixed almost all of them, and the few remaining ones are now logged separately on the 0.6.1/api-cleanup branch. Closing this.