jamoma / JamomaMax

Implementation of Jamoma for Cycling'74 Max:
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audiograph & poly~ = clicks & noises #892

Open matcham opened 9 years ago

matcham commented 9 years ago

I recently tried to use audiograph inside a poly~ ... it only produces nice and unwanted clicks & noises. (this patch used to work fine one year ago)


When the patch is closed : Max crash :

Thread 0 Crashed:: CrBrowserMain Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread 0 libJamomaAudioGraph.6.dylib 0x0d2cdd0c TTAudioGraphInlet::drop(TTAudioGraphSource&) + 12 1 libJamomaAudioGraph.6.dylib 0x0d2cd7a8 TTAudioGraphSourceObserverCallback(TTAudioGraphSource, TTValue&) + 40 2 libJamomaFoundation.6.dylib 0x0d70561f TTCallback::notify(TTValue const&, TTValue&) + 31 (TTCallback.cpp:72) 3 libJamomaFoundation.6.dylib 0x0d715794 TTObjectBase::sendMessage(TTSymbol, TTValue const&, TTValue&) + 164 (TTObjectBase.cpp:482) 4 libJamomaFoundation.6.dylib 0x0d713638 TTObject::send(TTSymbol, TTValue const&) + 88 (TTObject.cpp:146) 5 libJamomaFoundation.6.dylib 0x0d71a5a5 TTList::iterateObjectsSendingMessage(TTSymbol, TTValue&) + 213 (TTList.cpp:348) 6 libJamomaFoundation.6.dylib 0x0d707b27 TTEnvironment::releaseInstance(TTObjectBase) + 231 (vector:473) 7 libJamomaFoundation.6.dylib 0x0d707e16 TTObjectBaseRelease(TTObjectBase) + 38 (TTEnvironment.cpp:342) 8 org.jamoma.j.pack= 0x1088705b PackFree(Pack) + 27 (j.pack.cpp:104) 9 com.cycling74.MaxAudioAPI 0x0b8c97c5 z_dsp_freewrapper_callfreefun + 58 10 com.cycling74.Max 0x000b9ceb freeobject + 263 11 com.cycling74.Max 0x002571cb jnewobj_free + 23 12 com.cycling74.Max 0x000b9ceb freeobject + 263 13 com.cycling74.Max 0x0017ef79 object_free + 31 14 com.cycling74.Max 0x0026badf jpatcher_free + 359 15 com.cycling74.Max 0x000b9ceb freeobject + 263 16 com.cycling74.poly- 0x0bfa4ebe poly_freepatcher + 128 17 com.cycling74.poly- 0x0bfa49ea poly_freepatchers + 43 18 com.cycling74.poly- 0x0bfa01ae poly_free + 76 19 com.cycling74.MaxAudioAPI 0x0b8c97c5 z_dsp_freewrapper_callfreefun + 58 20 com.cycling74.Max 0x000b9ceb freeobject + 263 21 com.cycling74.Max 0x002571cb jnewobj_free + 23 22 com.cycling74.Max 0x000b9ceb freeobject + 263 23 com.cycling74.Max 0x0017ef79 object_free + 31 24 com.cycling74.Max 0x0026badf jpatcher_free + 359 25 com.cycling74.Max 0x000b9ceb freeobject + 263 26 com.cycling74.Max 0x0017ef79 object_free + 31 27 com.cycling74.Max 0x002e5d1a patcherview_close(patcherview) + 138 28 com.cycling74.Max 0x00181035 object_method_imp + 326 29 com.cycling74.Max 0x0017e917 object_method + 149 30 com.cycling74.Max 0x0029e30b jwind_close + 1210 31 com.cycling74.Max 0x00181885 object_method_typedfun + 140 32 com.cycling74.Max 0x001817be object_method_typed + 129 33 com.cycling74.Max 0x00252613 jmenuitem_process + 651 34 com.cycling74.Max 0x0025237f jmenu_command_process + 85 35 com.cycling74.Max 0x00252317 jmenu_process + 116 36 com.cycling74.Max 0x001b93a0 interfaceprocess + 24 37 com.cycling74.Max 0x0035b531 MaxMenuModel::menuItemSelected(int, int) + 27 38 com.cycling74.Max 0x005502f5 juce::JuceMainMenuHandler::invoke(int, juce::ApplicationCommandManager, int) const + 107 39 com.cycling74.Max 0x0054cd36 -[JuceMenuCallback_1_52_105_3 menuItemInvoked:] + 470 40 libobjc.A.dylib 0x9a35e853 -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:] + 70 41 com.apple.AppKit 0x9554ac1e __36-[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:]_block_invoke + 51 42 libsystem_trace.dylib 0x95fa3c03 _os_activity_initiate + 89 43 com.apple.AppKit 0x9554ab37 -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] + 602 44 com.apple.AppKit 0x9554a7dd -[NSMenuItem _corePerformAction] + 479 45 com.apple.AppKit 0x9554a4ce -[NSCarbonMenuImpl performActionWithHighlightingForItemAtIndex:] + 162 46 com.apple.AppKit 0x95549b4a -[NSMenu _performActionWithHighlightingForItemAtIndex:sendAccessibilityNotification:] + 79 47 com.apple.AppKit 0x95549af2 -[NSMenu _performActionWithHighlightingForItemAtIndex:] + 48 48 com.apple.AppKit 0x95549aaf __31-[NSMenu performKeyEquivalent:]_block_invoke + 43 49 libsystem_trace.dylib 0x95fa3c03 _os_activity_initiate + 89 50 com.apple.AppKit 0x955492f3 -[NSMenu performKeyEquivalent:] + 380 51 com.apple.AppKit 0x955482eb -[NSApplication _handleKeyEquivalent:] + 918 52 com.apple.AppKit 0x9544590c -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 4581 53 com.cycling74.Max 0x003f7828 -[MaxCefApplication sendEvent:] + 130 54 com.apple.AppKit 0x95365bfc -[NSApplication run] + 1003 55 com.cycling74.Max 0x003f7779 -[MaxCefApplication run] + 58 56 com.cycling74.chromium 0x00e5cc6e 0xd30000 + 1231982 57 com.cycling74.chromium 0x00e5c54c 0xd30000 + 1230156 58 com.cycling74.chromium 0x00e9ffd2 0xd30000 + 1507282 59 com.cycling74.chromium 0x00ebac7e 0xd30000 + 1617022 60 com.cycling74.chromium 0x00e9f9ba 0xd30000 + 1505722 61 com.cycling74.chromium 0x00da8ade 0xd30000 + 494302 62 com.cycling74.Max 0x003f7787 -[MaxCefApplication run] + 72 63 com.cycling74.Max 0x0054eca7 juce::MessageManager::runDispatchLoop() + 589 64 com.cycling74.Max 0x00411390 juce::JUCEApplication::main(juce::StringArray const&) + 62 65 com.cycling74.Max 0x004114a5 juce::JUCEApplication::main(int, char const**) + 73 66 com.cycling74.Max 0x000770f5 start + 53

lossius commented 9 years ago

I have made a note of looking into this during the upcoming Florida workshop.

theod commented 8 years ago

@tap : is this trouble can be fixed for the 1.0 release ?

tap commented 8 years ago

It is highly unlikely that this can be addressed for 1.0. This is the type of problem best addressed with Jamoma2.

I don't have an exact analogue for this performance problem yet. But in benchmarking code for parameter setting Jamoma2 is currently around 140x faster than Jamoma1.