jamonholmgren / ProMotion

ProMotion is a RubyMotion gem that makes iPhone development less like Objective-C and more like Ruby.
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'live' and 'pm_live' don't work anymore with version 4.13 #797

Closed dotvo007 closed 4 years ago

dotvo007 commented 7 years ago

Hi, 'live' and 'pm_live' don't work anymore with version 4.13 in spite of confirmations that it "is now on"

I had had this problem before after upgrading from RubyMotion 4.11 to version 4.12. The problem had been resolved thanks to an advice in the forum: I should re-install 4.11 and leave a note in the Rakefile $:.unshift('/Library/RubyMotion4.11/lib') It worked fine after that.

I had hoped that with version 4.13 the problem would be resolved. But it seems that this is not the case. This time I cannot switch back to version 4.11 as the version does not support OS-X 10.

Thanks for helping, Daniel

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jamonholmgren commented 7 years ago

@dotvo007 Do you have any more insight into why it's not working?

dotvo007 commented 7 years ago

No, unfortunately I don't.

jamonholmgren commented 7 years ago

@dotvo007 RubyMotion 4.15 includes a fix that might help with this. Can you confirm?

dotvo007 commented 7 years ago

Thanks, I have updated to RubyMotion 4.15 Probably I do make some mistake:

When using a simple new "Hello world" app I understand according to the new "Docs >> Live Screen Reloading" instructions that I should just type into the REPL the following: "pm_live_screens". Like before, this should be enough to reload after changes.

According to

"However, if your screen does not have any extra setup besides adding views or loading the data source, then you can leave out on_live_reload and allow the base to tear down your views, and re-add for you!"

I don't have to include a "def on_live_reload" or any other piece of code. Right?

Thanks again for helping! Daniel

jamonholmgren commented 7 years ago

I don't have to include a "def on_live_reload" or any other piece of code. Right?

Correct, that's exactly right. It should just work.

dotvo007 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your response! As I seem to be the only user who has an issue with this feature I conclude that it can only be my Mac's system. I plan to reinstall os x from scratch. This might also resolve the problem I have with 'rake device' which does not work anymore. Have you any better idea?

dotvo007 commented 7 years ago

I am still using El Capitan as my Mac is to old to use Sierra. I assume that this cannot be the reason for the problems. Right?

jamonholmgren commented 7 years ago

I don't know, unfortunately I no longer use ProMotion on a day to day basis. 😢 We've moved on to React Native and I've switched my focus to Elixir/Elm. You're welcome to continue using PM! I just won't be of much help these days.

dotvo007 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your response, Jamon. (And sorry for the delay)

andrewhavens commented 5 years ago

Just want to follow up on this. The live reload feature is no longer available due to newer versions of RubyMotion removing the ability to eval code in development environments. There is some work being done to create a UI library that supports live reloading (a separate project), but I think this issue should remain open until we remove references to the ProMotion live reload feature.