jamovi / jmv

jamovi for R
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Running a code in jmv package causes fatal error #349

Closed mrorangutann closed 1 year ago

mrorangutann commented 2 years ago

jmv::anovaOneW( formula = hp ~ gear, data = mtcars)

Running even simple code like this causes R to throw a fatal error. I don't have the slightest idea why. 0d2fe95e3a8c38e3e14699d94e7c26c6630b0310

jonathon-love commented 2 years ago

yeah, that's peculiar ... i'm not having an trouble with that analysis here. what OS are you running?, what version R?, is your jmv and jmvcore up to date?, etc.

paulwarren commented 2 years ago

I'm getting this too. R version 4.2.0 in RStudio 2022.02.03.492. Downloaded the jmv and jmvcore packages today, so I am assuming they are the most recent. However, I CAN run Jamovi in R (i.e. not RStudio), so this looks like a jmv/RStudio conflict

Hallo951 commented 2 years ago

I get the same error with the same combination of R and R-studio...

jonathon-love commented 1 year ago

hi, looks like an rstudio problem. update your rstudio and i think you'll find its not longer a problem.


mrorangutann commented 1 year ago

hi community ı solved the problem. ı changed r studio to this https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/rpatched.html and this fixed all my problem