jamovi / jmv

jamovi for R
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How to transform the jmv results to data frame or any other object such as flextable #378

Open zhaohongxin0 opened 1 year ago

zhaohongxin0 commented 1 year ago

My code:

dat <- ToothGrowth
dat$dose <- factor(dat$dose)

results<-jmv::anovaOneW(formula = len ~ dose, data = dat,
                        welchs = TRUE, fishers =TRUE)

When I run: results$anova The table printed in the console is really what I want. But when get the dataframe using: results$anova$asDF the table stucture is not what I want, and it is not publication-ready. So how can I transform the results$anova table to a data frame, and keep the table structure? Because we need the table to be inserted into word document, or into a rmarkdown rather than get the text in console.

jonathon-love commented 1 year ago


i'm not sure. if i want to paste into a word document, i just use jamovi itself.

we wrote jmv for just performing analyses, so we've never really looked into the publication ready side of things.
