jampez77 / Ryanair

Ryanair Home Assistant Integration
MIT License
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RyanAir integration causes issues on the core.config_entries preventing new integrations to be added in HA #31

Open xhemp opened 2 hours ago

xhemp commented 2 hours ago


I've been having some issues for a month or so where my SmartThings and FitBit integrations don't survive a restart, every time, they wouldn't be there and I had to re-add them. This week I decided to investigate this properly and opened a ticket on the homeassistant/core ( https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/129060 ) GH. So, as per that issue, it looks like there's an issue somewhere on the RyanAir integration that prevents any new integration to be added/loaded:

2024-10-24 00:04:50.357 ERROR (SyncWorker_7) [homeassistant.helpers.json] Failed to serialize to JSON: /config/.storage/core.config_entries. Bad data at $.data.entries[87].data.unsub_options_update_listener=<function ConfigEntry.add_update_listener.. at 0x7f4db38d60>(<class 'function'>

2024-10-24 00:04:50.360 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.storage] Error writing config for core.config_entries: Failed to serialize to JSON: /config/.storage/core.config_entries. Bad data at $.data.entries[87].data.unsub_options_update_listener=<function ConfigEntry.add_update_listener.. at 0x7f4db38d60>(<class 'function'>

These errors only stopped when I disabled the RyanAir integration and now everything is back to normal. Let me know if you need anything to test or any further logs. Thanks for this integration, it's very helpful!

jampez77 commented 2 hours ago

Thanks for taking the time to log this issue. Sorry it's not working though.

I will look at this in the coming week(s) when I get time.

For now I think what you've provided should be enough to get me started so thanks for that too 😁

xhemp commented 2 hours ago

No worries,no rush. If you need anything from me, please, let me know!