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Gatsby the React base Static Site Generator #3

Closed bdougie closed 7 years ago

bdougie commented 7 years ago

https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Podcast-Rundown-Gatsby-cJt8G5QDLAsHSUMSG28iE Podcast Rundown - Gatsby Topic: Gatsby - React base Static Site Generator Date: 9/21/17 Episode #22 Anticipated Release date: 10/19

Intro Script (For Dougie): Welcome to another installment of JAMstack Radio…

Remote-Guests: Kyle Mathews - Creator of Gatsby, the React based static site generator. https://twitter.com/kylemathews

CoHost: TBD

Media Release: https://www.hellosign.com/s/6e3da3a6 👈🏾 need to sign

Talking Points (~25mins)

  1. What is Gatsby
  2. 1.0 plugins? webpack?
  3. Why use React to make a static site generator?
  4. Lets you using PRPL or PWA techniques, also H/2?
  5. Lets talk a bit about GraphQL and how it is used in Gatsby
  6. React + Gatsby docs?
  7. What is next?


  1. JAM picks - what keeps you going and makes you excited today (Food, Entertainment, Code Thing).
    • Brian - GraphQL, Apollo Launchpad, Cardi B
    • Kyle -

Outro - Spread the JAM

Relevant Links: https://www.gatsbyjs.org/blog/2017-09-18-gatsby-modern-static-generation/ https://www.gatsbyjs.org/blog/gatsby-v1/