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Starting a meetup group in Kathmandu, Nepal #522

Closed sangya2001 closed 2 years ago

sangya2001 commented 3 years ago

You're interested in starting a Jamstack community in your area? AMAZING! We're keen to help. 🥳

Please tell us:

  1. The city or region for you new Jamstack Community: Kathmandu, Nepal
  2. When you plan to hold your first event: March 1st
  3. How regulalry you plan to meet: Every 2 month
  4. How else we might be able to help: Share about the updated news, tools on Jamstack

✨ But before you do, there are a few things to know✨

Please take a look at this information before submitting your issue.

Before starting a new community group

  1. Check if there is already an official community in or near your city - If so, it would be worth joining and supporting that group before deciding to add another. And the organizers of Jamstack groups are likely to welcome some support.
  2. Organizing an official group takes some commitment - We're so excited that you've come this far, and we want you to succeed. We ask orgaizers to aim to hold meetings (physical or virtual) at least 3 times a year.

What you need

  1. An online event space - Most groups use Meetup.com or Facebook to coordinate their events, but you can use a different tool of your preference. What we encourage is that organizers publish events publicly on a neutral platform.
  2. A published and actionable code of conduct - To help the community stay inclusive, safe, and welcoming.

Where we can help

Resource kit

We'll provide a resource kit with logos and branded assets for you to use. We'd like you to make use of the official Jamstack logo where approporiate, but don't let us stiffle your creativity. Some meetups have also added their own fun aesthetic and that's great too.

Links and listings

We'll add a link to your events page to the community section of the official Jamstack site. And if you provide a feed of your upcoming and previous events, we'll also add your events to the listings.

Community and support

Each Jamstack community group gets their own channel in the Jamslack to help coordindate your event and communicate with your local community.

You can also speak to other group organizers and reach us for support via in the Jamslack as members of the private organizers admin channel.

Code of Conduct

We have [a boilerplate code of conduct]() which you can use as a starting point. Please note that you will need to customise this for you and your group. It is vital that the information about how people can contact you and how action may be taken is correct for your group rather than being generic.

Content and speakers

Recruiting speakers and putting together compelling content can be one of the biggest challenges for User Group leaders. We encourage you to reach out to your fellow user group leaders via Slack for ideas, and even consider partnering with them for virtual events or workshops.

Jamstack Conf

Jamstack Conf is an annual event for the global Jamstack community and provides a great opportunity for local community groups to participate, apply for awards, and share their knowledge. Active Jamstack user group leaders receive special incentives and activities during this event, and we're keen to get them more involved in helping shape the event. You can watch videos from recent events to help spur content ideas and identify potential speakers for your meetup

domitriusclark commented 2 years ago

Hey @sangya2001!

Is this something you're still interested in?

Would love to help set you up with support now that I've taken over or close this out 👍