many logos exist in Boxicons, Fontello and similar services, but this is not the case of the jamstack logo, ok, no problem, I used to convert svg logos to a font. and this font for the jamsatck logo is the worst that I have received before. ok, I looked at the svg code and, frankly, I understand why the font is so strange. okay, maybe I'll redraw it, but I'd rather ask you to fix the logo so as not to include so many ugly paths there. A good idea is to publish a logo in the form of icons or a font and see if the font turns out to be good
many logos exist in Boxicons, Fontello and similar services, but this is not the case of the jamstack logo, ok, no problem, I used to convert svg logos to a font. and this font for the jamsatck logo is the worst that I have received before. ok, I looked at the svg code and, frankly, I understand why the font is so strange. okay, maybe I'll redraw it, but I'd rather ask you to fix the logo so as not to include so many ugly paths there. A good idea is to publish a logo in the form of icons or a font and see if the font turns out to be good