jamulussoftware / jamulus

Jamulus enables musicians to perform real-time jam sessions over the internet.
997 stars 222 forks source link

r3.9.0 App Duplicate hot keys #2749

Closed pljones closed 2 years ago

pljones commented 2 years ago

I'd really like the duplicate hot key checking automated.

Anyway, where we stand now is:

                Key: E
                        B&earbeiten (&Edit)
                        Lösch&en des Chatverlaufs (Cl&ear Chat History)
                Key: S
                        &Schließen (&Close)
                        &Senden (&Send)
                Key: B
                        &Beenden (E&xit)
                        Ü&ber Jamulus... (&About Jamulus...)
                Key: E
                        B&earbeiten (&Edit)
                        Audio/Netzwerk-&Einstellungen... (Audio/Network &Settings...)
                        &Erste Schritte... (Getting &Started...)
                Key: H
                        C&hat... (C&hat...)
                        &Hilfe (&Help)
                        Software&handbuch... (Software &Manual...)
                Key: I
                        E&instellungen (Sett&ings)
                        Sortiere die Kanäle nach dem &Instrument (Sort Users by &Instrument)
                Key: L
                        &Lösche alle gespeicherten Solo- und Mute-Einstellungen (Clear &All Stored Solo and Mute Settings)
                        &Laden der Konfiguration der Mixerkanäle... (&Load Mixer Channels Setup...)
                Key: P
                        Mein &Profil... (My &Profile...)
                        Setze alle Lautstärken auf den &Pegel für neuen Teilnehmer (Set All Faders to New Client &Level)
                Key: S
                        &Speichern der Konfiguration der Mixerkanäle... (&Save Mixer Channels Setup...)
                        Sortiere die Kanäle nach der &Stadt (Sort Users by &City)
                        Ein&stellungen (&Settings)
                Key: V
                        &Verbinden (C&onnect)
                        &Verbinden... (&Connection Setup...)
                        &Verbinden (C&onnect)

                Key: E
                        Cl&ear Chat History
                Key: A
                        &Analyzer Console...
                        Clear &All Stored Solo and Mute Settings
                        &About Jamulus...
                Key: C
                        &Connection Setup...
                        Sort Users by &City
                Key: D
                        A&dvanced Settings...
                Key: F
                        Auto-Adjust all &Faders
                Key: H
                Key: I
                        Sort Users by &Instrument
                Key: L
                        &Load Mixer Channels Setup...
                        Set All Faders to New Client &Level
                Key: M
                        &Mute Myself
                        Software &Manual...
                Key: O
                        N&o User Sorting
                Key: S
                        &Save Mixer Channels Setup...
                        Audio/Network &Settings...
                        Getting &Started...

                Key: A
                        &Archivo (&File)
                        &Analyzer Console... (&Analyzer Console...)
                        C&argar Configuración Canales Mezclador... (&Load Mixer Channels Setup...)
                        &Acerca de Jamulus... (&About Jamulus...)
                Key: C
                        &Configuración de Conexión... (&Connection Setup...)
                        Ordenar Usuarios por &Ciudad (Sort Users by &City)
                        &Chat (&Chat)
                        &Cómo Empezar... (Getting &Started...)
                Key: D
                        Configuración Avanza&da... (A&dvanced Settings...)
                        &Desconectar (&Disconnect)
                Key: E
                        &Eliminar Todas las Configuraciones de Solo y Mute (Clear &All Stored Solo and Mute Settings)
                        &Editar (&Edit)
                        Qué es &Esto (What's &This)
                Key: G
                        Ordenar Usuarios de Canal por &Grupo (Sort Users by &Group)
                        &Guardar Configuración Canales Mezclador... (&Save Mixer Channels Setup...)
                Key: I
                        Configurac&ión (Sett&ings)
                        Ordenar Usuarios por &Instrumento (Sort Users by &Instrument)
                Key: N
                        Ordenar Usuarios por &Nombre (Sort Users by &Name)
                        Co&nfiguración (&Settings)
                Key: O
                        C&onectar (C&onnect)
                        N&o Ordenar Usuarios (N&o User Sorting)
                        C&onectar (C&onnect)
                Key: P
                        Mi &Perfil... (My &Profile...)
                        Fader Pro&pio Primero (O&wn Fader First)
                Key: S
                        &Salir (E&xit)
                        Manual del &Software... (Software &Manual...)
                Key: S
                        Mo&strar servidor %1 (&Show %1 server)
                        &Salir (E&xit)

                Key: V
                        &Vider l'historique du tchate (Cl&ear Chat History)
                        En&voyer (&Send)
                Key: A
                        Paramètres &avancés... (A&dvanced Settings...)
                        &Aide (&Help)
                Key: C
                        &Charger la configuration des canaux du mixeur... (&Load Mixer Channels Setup...)
                        &Chariot personnel en premier (O&wn Fader First)
                        Auto-ajuster tous les &chariots (Auto-Adjust all &Faders)
                        Se &connecter (C&onnect)
                        &Configuration... (Getting &Started...)
                Key: E
                        &Effacer tous les paramètres Solo et Muet enregistrés (Clear &All Stored Solo and Mute Settings)
                        &Editer (&Edit)
                Key: M
                        &Me silencer (&Mute Myself)
                        &Manuel du logiciel... (Software &Manual...)
                Key: N
                        Console d'a&nalyse... (&Analyzer Console...)
                        Trier les utilisateurs par &nom (Sort Users by &Name)
                Key: P
                        &Paramètres de connexion... (&Connection Setup...)
                        Mon &profil... (My &Profile...)
                        &Paramètres (Sett&ings)
                        À &propos de Jamulus... (&About Jamulus...)
                Key: Q
                        &Quitter (E&xit)
                        À propos de &Qt... (About &Qt...)
                Key: S
                        &Sauvegarder la configuration des canaux du mixeur... (&Save Mixer Channels Setup...)
                        Audio/Réseau Paramètre&s... (Audio/Network &Settings...)
                        Paramètre&s (&Settings)
                Key: T
                        Pas de &tri des canaux (N&o User Sorting)
                        &Tchate (&Chat)
                        Qu'est-ce que c'es&t (What's &This)
                Key: V
                        &Vue (&View)
                        Trier les utilisateurs par &ville (Sort Users by &City)

                Key: A
                        &Analizzatore... (&Analyzer Console...)
                        &Aiuto (&Help)
                Key: C
                        Ordina i Canali per &Città di provenienza (Sort Users by &City)
                        &Carica Setup Mixer... (&Load Mixer Channels Setup...)
                        &Chat (&Chat)
                        &Cos'è Questo (What's &This)
                Key: F
                        &File (&File)
                        Auto regolazione &Fader (Auto-Adjust all &Faders)
                        Metti il mio &fader prima degli altri (O&wn Fader First)
                Key: I
                        Settag&i (Sett&ings)
                        &Impostazioni Audio/Rete... (Audio/Network &Settings...)
                        &Introduzione... (Getting &Started...)
                Key: M
                        &Modifica (&Edit)
                        &Manuale Software... (Software &Manual...)
                Key: N
                        Ordina canali per &Nome (Sort Users by &Name)
                        Disco&nnetti (&Disconnect)
                        I&nformazioni su Jamulus... (&About Jamulus...)
                Key: O
                        C&onnetti (C&onnect)
                        Setup C&onnessione... (&Connection Setup...)
                        N&on Riordinare i Canali (N&o User Sorting)
                        C&onnetti (C&onnect)
                Key: S
                        &Salva Setup Mixer... (&Save Mixer Channels Setup...)
                        Ordina canali per &Strumento (Sort Users by &Instrument)
                        &Settaggi (&Settings)
                Key: U
                        &Uscita (E&xit)
                        Ordina Canali per Nome &Utente (Sort Users by &Group)
                Key: V
                        &Vista (&View)
                        Impostazioni A&vanzate... (A&dvanced Settings...)

                Key: 도
                        사용자 정렬 by &도시 (Sort Users by &City)
                        &도움말 (&Help)
                Key: 믹
                        &믹서 채널 설정 불러오기... (&Load Mixer Channels Setup...)
                        &믹서 채널 설정 저장하기... (&Save Mixer Channels Setup...)
                Key: 설
                        &설정 (Sett&ings)
                        오디오/네트워크 &설정... (Audio/Network &Settings...)
                        &설정 (&Settings)
                Key: 연
                        &연결 (C&onnect)
                        &연결 설정... (&Connection Setup...)
                        &연결 해제 (&Disconnect)
                        &연결 (C&onnect)
                Key: 이
                        사용자 정렬 by &이름 (Sort Users by &Name)
                        &이게 뭘까요 (What's &This)
                Key: 채
                        &채팅... (C&hat...)
                        &채팅 (&Chat)
                Key: %
                        &%1 서버 숨기기 (&Hide %1 server)
                        &%1 서버 보이기 (&Show %1 server)

                Key: A
                        &Analyzer console... (&Analyzer Console...)
                        &Afsluiten (E&xit)
                        &Afmelden (&Disconnect)
                        &Aan de slag... (Getting &Started...)
                Key: C
                        &Chat... (C&hat...)
                        &Chat (&Chat)
                Key: D
                        Geavanceer&de instellingen... (A&dvanced Settings...)
                        Wat Is &Dit (What's &This)
                Key: E
                        B&ewerken (&Edit)
                        &Eigen fader eerst (O&wn Fader First)
                Key: H
                        &Hulp (&Help)
                        Software&handleiding... (Software &Manual...)
                Key: I
                        Audio-/netwerk-&instellingen... (Audio/Network &Settings...)
                        Sorteer muzikanten op &Instrument (Sort Users by &Instrument)
                        &Instellingen (&Settings)
                Key: O
                        Kanalen niet s&orteren (N&o User Sorting)
                        Mixer kanaalinstellingen &opslaan... (&Save Mixer Channels Setup...)
                        &Over Jamulus... (&About Jamulus...)
                Key: S
                        Sorteer muzikanten op &Stad (Sort Users by &City)
                        In&stellingen (Sett&ings)
                Key: V
                        &Verbinden (C&onnect)
                        &Verbindingsinstellingen... (&Connection Setup...)
                        &Verbinden (C&onnect)
                Key: W
                        &Weergave (&View)
                        &Wis alle opgeslagen solo- en demp-instellingen (Clear &All Stored Solo and Mute Settings)

                Key: W
                        &Wyczyść historię rozmowy (Cl&ear Chat History)
                        &Wyślij (&Send)
                Key: A
                        Konsola &analizatora... (&Analyzer Console...)
                        &Automatycznie dopasuj wszystkie suwaki (Auto-Adjust all &Faders)
                Key: C
                        &Czat... (C&hat...)
                        Wy&czyść wszystkie ustawienia solo/wycissz (Clear &All Stored Solo and Mute Settings)
                        &Czat (&Chat)
                        &Co to jest (What's &This)
                Key: I
                        Sortuj kanały według &instrumentu (Sort Users by &Instrument)
                        Ustaw&ienia (Sett&ings)
                        &Instrukcja programu... (Software &Manual...)
                Key: M
                        Wczytaj ustawienia kanałów &miksera... (&Load Mixer Channels Setup...)
                        Sortuj kanały według &miasta (Sort Users by &City)
                        Wycisz &Mnie (&Mute Myself)
                Key: O
                        P&omoc (&Help)
                        &O programie Jamulus... (&About Jamulus...)
                Key: P
                        &Połącz (C&onnect)
                        Mój &profil... (My &Profile...)
                        Ustaw suwaki do określonego w ustawieniach &poziomu (Set All Faders to New Client &Level)
                        &Połącz (C&onnect)
                Key: U
                        &Ustawienia dźwięku i sieci... (Audio/Network &Settings...)
                        &Ustawienia (&Settings)
                Key: W
                        &Widok (&View)
                        &Własny suwak na początku (O&wn Fader First)
                        &Wyjdź (E&xit)
                Key: Z
                        Ustawienia &zaawansowane... (A&dvanced Settings...)
                        &Zaczynajmy... (Getting &Started...)

                Key: A
                        &Arquivo (&File)
                        Console de &Análise... (&Analyzer Console...)
                        S&air (E&xit)
                Key: C
                        &Carregar Configuração de Canais do Mixer... (&Load Mixer Channels Setup...)
                        Ordenar os Canais por &Cidade (Sort Users by &City)
                Key: D
                        &Definições Avançadas... (A&dvanced Settings...)
                        &Desconectar (&Disconnect)
                Key: I
                        Def&inições (Sett&ings)
                        Ordenar os Canais por &Instrumento (Sort Users by &Instrument)
                        O que é &isto (What's &This)
                Key: M
                        &Mensagens... (C&hat...)
                        Silenciar-&me (&Mute Myself)
                        &Manual do Programa... (Software &Manual...)
                Key: N
                        Ordenar os Canais por &Nome (Sort Users by &Name)
                        Me&nsagens (&Chat)
                Key: O
                        C&onectar (C&onnect)
                        C&onectar a Servidor... (&Connection Setup...)
                        Sem &Ordenação de Canais (N&o User Sorting)
                        C&onectar (C&onnect)
                Key: R
                        P&róprio Fader Primeiro (O&wn Fader First)
                        Como Começa&r... (Getting &Started...)
                Key: S
                        Limpar Todas as Configurações de &Solo e Mute (Clear &All Stored Solo and Mute Settings)
                        &Salvar Configuração de Canais do Mixer... (&Save Mixer Channels Setup...)
                        Definiçõe&s de Áudio/Rede... (Audio/Network &Settings...)
                        Definiçõe&s (&Settings)
                        &Sobre o Jamulus... (&About Jamulus...)
                Key: S
                        Mostrar &servidor %1 (&Show %1 server)
                        &Sair (E&xit)

                Key: A
                        Consola de &Análise... (&Analyzer Console...)
                        &Ajuda (&Help)
                Key: C
                        Salvar &configuração da mistura... (&Save Mixer Channels Setup...)
                        Ordenar Canais por &Cidade (Sort Users by &City)
                Key: D
                        &Definições Avançadas... (A&dvanced Settings...)
                        &Desligar (&Disconnect)
                Key: F
                        &Ficheiro (&File)
                        Ajustar Auto. todos os &Faders (Auto-Adjust all &Faders)
                Key: I
                        Def&inições (Sett&ings)
                        Ordenar Canais por &Instrumento (Sort Users by &Instrument)
                        O que é &isto (What's &This)
                Key: L
                        &Ligar (C&onnect)
                        &Ligar a Servidor... (&Connection Setup...)
                        Definir Todos os Canais para Níve&l de Novo Cliente (Set All Faders to New Client &Level)
                        &Ligar (C&onnect)
                Key: M
                        &Mensagens... (C&hat...)
                        Silenciar-&me (&Mute Myself)
                        &Manual do Programa... (Software &Manual...)
                Key: N
                        Ordenar Canais por &Nome (Sort Users by &Name)
                        Me&nsagens (&Chat)
                Key: R
                        P&róprio Fader Primeiro (O&wn Fader First)
                        Definições de Audio/&Rede... (Audio/Network &Settings...)
                        Como Começa&r... (Getting &Started...)
                Key: S
                        &Sair (E&xit)
                        Definiçõe&s (&Settings)
                        &Sobre o Jamulus... (&About Jamulus...)
                Key: S
                        Mostrar &servidor %1 (&Show %1 server)
                        &Sair (E&xit)

                Key: A
                        Pohľ&ad (&View)
                        &Automaticky prispôsobiť všetky prelínače (Auto-Adjust all &Faders)
                Key: C
                        &Chat... (C&hat...)
                        &Chat (&Chat)
                Key: K
                        &Konzola analyzátora... (&Analyzer Console...)
                        U&končiť (E&xit)
                Key: M
                        Triediť používateľov kanálov podľa &mena (Sort Users by &Name)
                        Po&mocník (&Help)
                        &Manuál programu... (Software &Manual...)
                Key: N
                        &Načítať nastavenia kanálov mixéra... (&Load Mixer Channels Setup...)
                        Pokročilé &nastavenia... (A&dvanced Settings...)
                        Triediť používateľov kanálov podľa &nástroja (Sort Users by &Instrument)
                Key: P
                        &Pripojiť (C&onnect)
                        Môj &profil... (My &Profile...)
                        Netriediť &používateľov (N&o User Sorting)
                        &Pripojiť (C&onnect)
                Key: R
                        Nastaviť všetky prelínače na ú&roveň pre nových klientov (Set All Faders to New Client &Level)
                        Úp&ravy (&Edit)
                Key: S
                        &Súbor (&File)
                        Na&stavenia (Sett&ings)
                        Nastavenia zvuku/&siete... (Audio/Network &Settings...)
                        Triediť používateľov kanálov podľa &skupiny (Sort Users by &Group)
                Key: T
                        Triediť používateľov podľa mes&ta (Sort Users by &City)
                        S&tíšiť ma (&Mute Myself)
                Key: V
                        Nasta&venie pripojenia... (&Connection Setup...)
                        &Vypnúť všetky nastavenia sólo a stíšení (Clear &All Stored Solo and Mute Settings)
                        &Vlastný prelínač ako prvý (O&wn Fader First)
                        Nasta&venia (&Settings)
                Key: O
                        Z&obraziť %1 server (&Show %1 server)
                        &Okno (&Window)

                Key: R
                        &Redigera (&Edit)
                        &Rensa chatthistorik (Cl&ear Chat History)
                Key: S
                        &Stäng (&Close)
                        &Skicka (&Send)
                Key: A
                        &Arkiv (&File)
                        &Anslutningsinställningar... (&Connection Setup...)
                Key: C
                        &Chatt... (C&hat...)
                        &Chatt (&Chat)
                Key: I
                        &Inställningar (Sett&ings)
                        Ljud och nätverks&inställningar... (Audio/Network &Settings...)
                        Sortera användarna efter &Instrument (Sort Users by &Instrument)
                        Komma &igång... (Getting &Started...)
                Key: K
                        Analys&konsol... (&Analyzer Console...)
                        &Koppla upp (C&onnect)
                Key: M
                        Justera alla &mixers automatiskt (Auto-Adjust all &Faders)
                        Tysta &mig själv (&Mute Myself)
                        &Manual... (Software &Manual...)
                Key: N
                        A&nslut (C&onnect)
                        Sortera användarna efter &Namn (Sort Users by &Name)
                        Koppla &ner (&Disconnect)
                Key: O
                        Ingen kanals&ortering (N&o User Sorting)
                        &Om Jamulus... (&About Jamulus...)
                Key: R
                        &Rensa alla lagrade solo och tystade inställningar (Clear &All Stored Solo and Mute Settings)
                        &Redigera (&Edit)
                Key: S
                        &Ställ in alla mixers till ny klientnivå (Set All Faders to New Client &Level)
                        &Spara mixerkanalinställningarna... (&Save Mixer Channels Setup...)
                        In&ställningar (&Settings)
                Key: V
                        &Visa (&View)
                        A&vsluta (E&xit)
                        A&vancerade inställningar... (A&dvanced Settings...)
                        &Vad är detta (What's &This)

                Key: C
                        清除聊天记录(&C) (Cl&ear Chat History)
                        关闭(&C) (&Close)
                Key: A
                        分析控制台(&A)... (&Analyzer Console...)
                        清除所有已保存的独奏和静音设定(&A) (Clear &All Stored Solo and Mute Settings)
                        关于 Jamulus(&A)... (&About Jamulus...)
                Key: C
                        连接配置(&C)... (&Connection Setup...)
                        根据城市排序用户(&C) (Sort Users by &City)
                        聊天(&C) (&Chat)
                Key: D
                        高级选项(&D)... (A&dvanced Settings...)
                        断开连接(&D) (&Disconnect)
                Key: E
                        退出(&E) (E&xit)
                        编辑(&E) (&Edit)
                Key: F
                        文件(&F) (&File)
                        自动调整所有推子(&F) (Auto-Adjust all &Faders)
                Key: H
                        聊天(&H)... (C&hat...)
                        帮助(&H) (&Help)
                Key: I
                        设置(&I) (Sett&ings)
                        根据乐器排序用户(&I) (Sort Users by &Instrument)
                Key: L
                        将所有推子设置为新客户端音量值(&L) (Set All Faders to New Client &Level)
                        加载混音器通道选项(&L)... (&Load Mixer Channels Setup...)
                Key: M
                        静音自己(&M) (&Mute Myself)
                        软件说明书(&M)... (Software &Manual...)
                Key: O
                        连接(&O) (C&onnect)
                        不对用户进行排序(&O) (N&o User Sorting)
                        连接(&O) (C&onnect)
                Key: S
                        保存混音器通道选项(&S)... (&Save Mixer Channels Setup...)
                        音频/网络选项(&S)... (Audio/Network &Settings...)
                        设置(&S) (&Settings)
                        入门(&S)... (Getting &Started...)
henkdegroot commented 2 years ago

I believe the current hot key checker isn't really suitable for automation as it is perfectly fine to use the same accelerator keys when they are in different menu items. This makes the result also hard to validatie, though it is better compared to not checking at all. Perhaps the script van include the menu reference as well to make it easier to check?

pljones commented 2 years ago

Yes - having duplicates from CClientDlg+CHelpMenu doesn't really help -- the only "duplicate" is when two or more Menu Items on a single Menu share an accelerator.

Actual hotkeys (like Ctrl+C for opening the connect window) are different from accelerators (which are highly contextual). (And, ideally, hotkeys would work regardless of which sub-window had focus. There's a lot of work needed to uplift the Jamulus UI, really.)

pljones commented 2 years ago

OK, so this isn't a "bug" then. I'll close this and raise a discussion at some point.

henkdegroot commented 2 years ago

@jujudusud why did you re-open this?

jujudusud commented 2 years ago

Oups. It is a mistake. Reclosing it... Apologies.