jan-gerling / FLOCKA

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Get Knowledge #7

Open jan-gerling opened 5 years ago

jan-gerling commented 5 years ago

Read intro everything that is important four our project.

Reader: AKKA

This list is not exhaustive, please make suggestions for more to add.

pmisteliac commented 5 years ago


pmisteliac commented 5 years ago


pmisteliac commented 5 years ago


jan-gerling commented 5 years ago

Sample Implementation of persistence with Akka

pmisteliac commented 5 years ago


jan-gerling commented 5 years ago


PSilvestre commented 5 years ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqNsGomfabc Akka persistence presentation - For those who dont have the attention span to read

jan-gerling commented 5 years ago

How to identify existing actors

jan-gerling commented 5 years ago

When to use AkkaSelection

jan-gerling commented 5 years ago

Basics for actors: https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.5.5/scala/actors.html

PSilvestre commented 5 years ago

Were going to have to use akka cluster to join different machines: https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/cluster-usage.html

This means we can take advantage of Cluster Sharding to spread our actors around. We could possibly go back to the old design of having User PersistentActors, and have these despawn after a timeout.


EDIT: Looked a bit more into it, with akka-sharding you can setup a Guardian, say UserGuardian, who has two functions, one for identifying the shard a user is in and one for identifying the user itself.

I really think this is the way to go forward, so tomorrow I will go to the library to attempt to implement a prototype. Anyone who wants to join is welcome.

jan-gerling commented 5 years ago

Very good tour through lots of the implementation details and concepts of akka, we need.