janaRicarda / emotion-tracker

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Emotion-Details #7

Open ladydarkja opened 1 month ago

ladydarkja commented 1 month ago

Value proposition

As a user I want to access detailed information of the seven universal emotions, So that I can better understand and analyze my them.



Acceptance criteria


FelineHuhn commented 1 month ago

The user story is well-structured and the tasks match good with everything. Very good job 🥳 Just one important thing: You lost your value proposition 😱

And I have some more thoughts:

  1. Wireframes

    • Awesome wireframes! Additionally you could implement example data, to show the wireframes more realistic, e.g. instead of empty "boxes" of subemotions, you could show realistic sub emotions there (for me as someone, who don't know much about emotions, subemtotions etc. it would be much more descriptive and understanable)
    • in the wireframe the back link is shown with the text "back to list", in the acceptance criteria it is called "back to the list" - I know, very petty, but a match would be more appropriate
  2. Acceptance criteria

    • everything clear, I just noticed a layout thing: You could indent subitems to the right by pressing the space bar twice to show them visually as subitems (here: the subitems from line 3)
  3. Tasks

    • Two tasks are not sufficiently understandable for me: You mention a details component first and than a details page - do you create both and render the Details component on the details page or is it only a details page, where you include the jsx?
    • I told the same to the user story before: It could help to understand your tasks, when you use "`" to mark e.g. file names, component names etc. (for example:EmotionDetails` instead of details component")
FelineHuhn commented 1 month ago

Great improvement! The things with the layout and the example data in the wireframe are still the same as before, but that's fine for me if you prefer it that way.
