janastu / IIHS-TNUSSP-feed

This repository contains all the info regarding use cases and tests performed on newsrack.in for iihs.
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Testcase3. Website's official rss link with `.html` styles. #5

Closed khushpreet-kaur closed 7 years ago

khushpreet-kaur commented 7 years ago

Website's official main rss link (.html) of any news site.

Issue definition in Newsrack:

define sources {gen_news}
    timesofindia = "TimesOfIndia", http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/rss.cms
end sources

define concepts
   <water> = water, drinking water
   <politics> = Narendra Modi, BJP, AAP, Mamata Banerjee, politicians, elections
   <sports> = cricket, football, MS Dhoni, captaincy
   <pot> = pot, medical use, marijuana
end concepts

define issue usecase3-link-with-html-styles-toi
  monitor sources {gen_news} organize news into categories
    [Water] = water
    [politics] = politics
    [sports] = sports
    [pot] = pot
end issue

News Source format: Website's official main rss link (All the sub-categories with html styles are listed in this page) with .html styles.

Concepts: Water, politics, sports, cricket, pot etc.

Expected result: Get news feed based on concepts as a keyword from the source provided.

Actual Result: No feed.

Status: FAIL

Source format Validation Status: NOT VALID ()