Closed sterproton closed 5 years ago
and i have requested release milestone in freelancer. check it
if you still want give me the extra $6 my paypal is there paypal page
I would've preferred if you stopped opening separate pull requests as I wouldn't have to review changes again.
The commit record didn't change
Lol I eslinted package.json on the latest branch. Make fixes from typescript examples if they have to be made.
I cherry-picked my way out of spacing being changed on package.json, you think changing spacing on your branch would've helped?
PS updated master
I haven't checked this out yet
warning " > babel-loader@7.1.5" has incorrect peer dependency "babel-core@6".
lol there're no sourcemaps for server (I resolved conflicts poorly it seems). The linting I did changed ' to " so many file imports had to be resolved.
PS I know what this is about.
seems like you forget to release the milestone on freelancer 🙂
Actually I don't. There're no sourcemap for when you do referenceError or something, besides this after the merge:
1 | (function (global, factory) {
> 2 | typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('react-dom/server'), require('apollo-client'), require('prop-types'), require('react')) : | ^
3 | typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'react-dom/server', 'apollo-client', 'prop-types', 'react'], factory) :
4 | (factory((global['react-apollo'] = {}),global.server,global.apolloClient,global.PropTypes,global.React));
5 | }(this, (function (exports,server,apolloClient,PropTypes,React) { 'use strict';
no stacktrace what so ever
You could try running it directly without parcel and see if this crap is any more intelligible at which point I'll have you configure parcel correctly.
i have clone the newest repo and check it. the parcel build error, so parcel don't generate sourcemap
it is because the dependency react-apollo
C:\Users\chois\Desktop\makpal6\makpal\node_modules\react-apollo\react-apollo.browser.umd.js:2:92: Cannot resolve dependency 'react-dom/server'
i have solve this react-apollo need dependency 'react-dom'
you need to install react-dom 'yarn add react-dom'
by the way, this is not parcel's fault nor part of my work, though i have solve this problem. What I want you know is, I was ask to config parcel for dev, prod env, and it is done, now parcel run in the right way.
what is more? please clearly tell me your check on my work and the milestone. i don't want to waste time
Make a reference error on server on your branch and then on old master. That would be called a regression. Or make an error on client for that matter.
regarding the babel loader, you actually make use of it, I believe it's responsible for caching graphql, resolve the peer dependencies.
ok. so now you want to solve the sourcemap problem right?
please clearly tell me your check on my work and the milestone. i don't want to waste time
what about the check, you didn't answer me. what part of my work pass your check. what part didn't and why?
or there is just only a sourcemap problem, other part of my work have passed the check?
ok i know why source map don't work. i try make error, and i get and it is because you forget to handle the sourcemap request. the sourcemap file does generated
so in your server code, i add this. and sourcemap work
now the sourcemap work
the serve code node don't support sourcemap directly, see this sourcemap
actully, i don't think this is part of my work. it is cause by your code. and node don't support sourcemap, it is not parcel's fault nor my work config parcel it is all already done before.
Maybe someday you'll decide to see what stack traces look like without your work.
It doesn't load either. Why won't you do me another favor.
ok, i will do it
wait a minute
and please tell me about the check ok?
you didn't give me a clearly response about my work and the milestone. it make me feel like you don't care about it😑
I will do you another favor. but you know, you haven't release the milestone. you didn't pay me for the previous work???? so??
what wrong with you?
const client = createApolloClient({
// links: link
// connectionParams: modules.connectionParams, //for uploading images
// clientResolvers: modules.resolvers
mutation: LOGIN,
variables: {
input: { usernameOrEmail: "asdf", password: "asdf" }
// category: 'login'
client.query({query: CURRENTUSER}).then(console.log)
results in error about fragment userInfo, so graphql imports don't work.
babel has peer dependency conflicts
parcel has crap stack traces
the jest tests output right errors.
You haven't finished previous work, you continue insisting the the job is done so I should get like my shit together to do things that are like part of the objective and like stop complaining about retarded code that I introduced myself for no good reason.
and I haven't checked if you can actually use the types directly from graphql files.
Import graphql is work, I config it like the documents
babel-loader is for webpack, remove it. I didn't installed it
parcel work great right? where is the crap error, your server code don't handle map file,and it is your problem, but I still help you right? and node sourcemap, I can do you favor. So what is wrong that I say parcel work great??
Jest error, I solve it and make screenshot for you right?
So, this is why I ask you to clearly tell me my work.
you can import graphql file and log it, you will know it is successfully. or you will get a raw string
you better check your code
So many times i said, check my work and tell me what is wrong
so now do you agree me? Or disagree what part. I have said good communication don't waste time
Telling you the fifth time to fix stack traces, and third time to fix peer conflicts. I will no longer discuss condition in which you return me my repo nor iterate objectives or help you by resolving pull request conflicts or indicating how your work is not up to par after having assumed burden of assessing it.
see, this is why we argue, you thought fix stack trace is part of my work, and i said it is not, but i can do you a favor and babel-loader peer conflicts. this loader is for webpack😜. and it is you installed it. if you don't believe me just look this old commit
and I have said just remove it, and you don't believe me. what ever, this package just meaningless
and seems like you don't want to discuss this?
ok, seems you don't want to talk and don't believe me? why am i still here???
have make yarn dev yarn prod use parcel run server