janboone / applied-economics

course material for the course applied economics
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Bokeh and interactive plots #38

Closed SamHamers closed 3 years ago

SamHamers commented 3 years ago

Hi Sam,

I have two questions about my final assignment. I made plots using the Bokeh library and whenever I upload my notebook to Github, Bokeh refuses to load and none of the Bokeh plots are generated. However, after cloning the repository and opening it elsewhere the plots do show. I want to make sure that this is the way the assignment will be graded (through cloning).

Indeed, we grade through cloning; so do not worry that github does not render your graphs.

Second, I made some interactive graphs using ipywidgets of which the interactivity only works after rerunning the appropriate cells. I suspect this is a problem as this would also require installing all the packages when grading. Is there a good solution to solve this problem? I could for example make screencaptures of these graphs and embed those in the notebook instead.

We grade on our local machines, so probably we have these packages installed. If you want to make sure, you can add a cell at the start of the notebook with


pip install --user <package name>

for all the extra packages that need to be installed.

Does this help?
