janchorowski / kaldi-python

Python wrappers for Kaldi data
Apache License 2.0
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ImportError: kaldi_io/kaldi_io_internal.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5kaldi9SemaphoreD1Ev #8

Open YichiHuang opened 6 years ago

YichiHuang commented 6 years ago

import kaldi_io Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "kaldi_io/init.py", line 243, in from kaldi_io_internal import * ImportError: kaldi_io/kaldi_io_internal.so: undefined symbol: _ZN5kaldi9SemaphoreD1Ev when I import kaldi_io, I encountered the problem. Could you help me solve it, thank you very much. I rebuilt the kaldi with configure --share, and I also add the kaldi_io_internal.so to /anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/

janchorowski commented 6 years ago

The library file kaldi_io_internal.so is missing some symbols from Kaldi you either didn't link against the correct Kaldi version, or moved files. BEst is to rebuoild everything, starting with Kaldi with the --shared flag

Rpersie commented 5 years ago

I also meet this problem . Is it solved ? @YichiHuang . Thank you !