Implemented the PWM feature, which is the ability for PWM to be generated on three output pins (GPIO pins 16, 17, 18) on the Pi Pico.
The SCPI command syntax is:
ANA:OUTP#:RAW <0-4095>
The SCPI query syntax is:
where # is a value [0..2]. The raw PWM range is 12-bit, i.e. 0-4095, corresponding to 0-100% duty cycle.
The PWM frequency is approximately 30.5 kHz.
Implemented the PWM feature, which is the ability for PWM to be generated on three output pins (GPIO pins 16, 17, 18) on the Pi Pico. The SCPI command syntax is: ANA:OUTP#:RAW <0-4095>
The SCPI query syntax is: ANA:OUTP#:RAW?
where # is a value [0..2]. The raw PWM range is 12-bit, i.e. 0-4095, corresponding to 0-100% duty cycle. The PWM frequency is approximately 30.5 kHz.