janczizikow / sleek

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Sleek is a modern Jekyll theme focused on speed performance & SEO best practices
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Using the gem, how can I run `gulp img`? #59

Open amaury1093 opened 5 years ago

amaury1093 commented 5 years ago

I created my website with jekyll new, tweaked _config.yml to have evertyhing showing, added a picture in _img, and ran bundle exec jekyll server.

However, the thumbnails are not generated:

[2018-12-30 15:30:58] ERROR `/assets/img/posts/xworld-map_placehold.jpg' not found.
[2018-12-30 15:30:59] ERROR `/assets/img/posts/xworld-map_thumb@2x.jpg' not found.
[2018-12-30 15:30:59] ERROR `/assets/img/posts/xworld-map_placehold.jpg' not found.
[2018-12-30 15:31:00] ERROR `/assets/img/posts/xworld-map_thumb@2x.jpg' not found.

Note: I obviously didn't clone the repo on purpose. Below is a snippet of my _config.yml

remote_theme: janczizikow/sleek
  - jekyll-feed
  - jekyll-remote-theme
  - jekyll-seo-tag

My question is, using the gem, can I still run gulp img?

janczizikow commented 5 years ago

Hey @amaurymartiny unfortunately by just using the gem, you won't be able to use gulp commands. You could add your own gulp setup that would generate images for you, but the gulp task would have to follow the folder & naming convention as used in the gem / theme.