janeczku / docker-machine-vultr

:m: Docker Machine driver for Vultr Cloud
MIT License
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ssh never becomes available #35

Open EugenMayer opened 6 years ago

EugenMayer commented 6 years ago

I am using the vulture machine driver, deploying using the rancher ui.

Using region 9, default endpoint, my ssh personal ssh key and ros v1.1.1, rancher-server 1.6.13

The deployment starts, the server gets deployed on vultr, i can connect using SSH personally, but the rancher server still "waits for available ssh connection". Is the whole point that the rancher-server instance is actually trying to ssh into that sever using its own SSH key ( i guess ) so i would need to reference that in the ssh key id section?

thank you for this great driver!

EugenMayer commented 6 years ago

Just in case, that helps, upgraded to your machine driver version 1.4, but still getting the same issue


while ssh already works

ssh rancher@
[rancher@w2 ~]$
EugenMayer commented 6 years ago

Could it be related to the fact that i do not use a reservedIpID at all so rancher does not know the IP of the host being setup by vultr?

My data is: region: 9 (Frankfurt) ssh-key: rancherosversion: 1.1.1 apikey:

anything else is blank / default

EugenMayer commented 6 years ago

Last information, adding the host using the vultr driver, then removing the host in the rancher GUI, then ssh'ing into the host and using "custom host" to deploy a rancher agent will properly register the host with the rancher server. So there is basically all setup, just SSH seems to be broken.

What i ask myself though is, how is the machine-driver actually SSH-ing without having my SSH private key - i guess the ssh connection is used to deploy the rancher agent? Is a vultr api used for that? Kind of makes no sense here

byjg commented 6 years ago

I created the machine outside the Rancher GUI using the vultr machine driver 1.4.0 with the command below:

docker-machine create \
     --driver vultr --vultr-api-key=00000000 \
     --vultr-private-networking=true --vultr-ssh-key-id 0000000000 \

The machine was created and the SSH is OK. I can connect with the user "rancher" in the machine.

In the Rancher GUI interface I leave all parameters blank except the parameters I setup above.

So the list of problems I notice / have:

Version of the software I used:

EugenMayer commented 6 years ago

thanks to @superseb who found out that this can be fixed by just not providing a ssh-key at all!

egadgetjnr commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately the suggestion by @superseb doesn't work for me.

I've tried all combinations and keep getting the same issue of ssh not being available on the latest version of Rancher Server (v 2.0.2)

Any other suggestions?