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Kafka/mutations message enhancements #267

Closed stuarteberg closed 1 year ago

stuarteberg commented 6 years ago

It would be helpful for debugging if the Kafka log messages included more info. And these enhancements should apply to the JSON mutations log, too.

Edit: Summarizing the complete list here:

stuarteberg commented 5 years ago

Other enhancements:

umayaml commented 4 years ago

It would be helpful for debugging if the Kafka log messages included more info.

All messages should include a timestamp in the JSON.

split-supervoxel messages could include the body ID, and split-supervoxel-complete could include the sizes of both the 'remain' and 'split' supervoxels.

I would also like to see the same reporting for cleaves. Where we can get the sizes of the new body and the Target body after the cleave.

stuarteberg commented 3 years ago

@DocSavage Would it be difficult to implement item 3 from above?

  1. split-supervoxel messages could include the body ID

It would be useful for debugging and detective work. For example, I needed it earlier today, but didn't have it.

stuarteberg commented 3 years ago

I know we're going to be cranking through the technical debt list soon, so I wanted to flag this one more time. I'm currently trying to do some detective work on a body that's somehow been totally screwed up, and it would have been nice to have the above feature implemented in the kafka log. I really need this before we start the CNS.

stuarteberg commented 1 year ago

@DocSavage It appears that split-supervoxel-complete messages in the JSON mutations response do not contain a user ID.

DocSavage commented 1 year ago

This was fixed in commit 3bde644

DocSavage commented 1 year ago

@stuarteberg Is this a new issue pertaining to JSON mutation endpoint and not Kafka after the above update?