janestreet / bonsai

A library for building dynamic webapps, using Js_of_ocaml
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Best way to express "global atoms" of state? #22

Open askvortsov1 opened 2 years ago

askvortsov1 commented 2 years ago

When I was first trying to figure out Bonsai, I drew a lot of parallels to React paired with the Recoil state management library. Recoil adds an orthogonal computation DAG, rooted in shared elements of state called "atoms", which can be consumed by React components. Changes to atoms propogate down the computation graph and selectively trigger React components to re-render.

If the understanding I've come to have through this discussion is accurate, it seems that in Bonsai, the equivalent to atoms is:

Is this an idiomatic way of thinking about Bonsai and global state?

As an example of something I'm unsure about, I recently had to build a primitive router/link/url system, where components that depended on the current URL (e.g. fetching a query depending on a path argument) would incrementally recompute as the URL changed. A tl;dr of my implementation:

open Bonsai_web
open Bonsai.Let_syntax

let get_uri () =
  let open Js_of_ocaml in
  Dom_html.window##.location##.href |> Js.to_string |> Uri.of_string

(* This creation of a "global" variable feels like it might be an anti-pattern *)
let uri_atom = Bonsai.Var.create (get_uri ())

let set_uri uri =
  let open Js_of_ocaml in
  let str_uri = Js.string (Uri.to_string uri) in
  Dom_html.window##.history##pushState Js.null str_uri (Js.Opt.return str_uri);
  Bonsai.Var.set uri_atom uri

let curr_path_novalue () = uri_atom |> Bonsai.Var.get |> Uri.path
let curr_path = Bonsai.Var.value uri_atom |> Value.map ~f:Uri.path_and_query

let link_vdom ?(attrs = []) ?(children = Vdom.Node.none) uri =
  let set_uri = Effect.of_sync_fun (fun new_uri -> set_uri new_uri) in
  let link_attrs =
      Vdom.Attr.href (Uri.to_string uri);
      Vdom.Attr.on_click (fun e ->
          Js_of_ocaml.Dom.preventDefault e;
          set_uri uri);
  Vdom.Node.a ~attr:(Vdom.Attr.many (attrs @ link_attrs)) [ children ]

let router routes =
  let uri = Bonsai.Var.value uri_atom in
  let path = Value.map uri ~f:Uri.path in
  routes path

There's a lot to be improved (e.g. functorizing over a fixed variant of routes), but one of the things I noticed is that my approach has a single global Var.t, whereas the "Bonsai web ui url var" implementation provides functions to create separate instances of url vars. Wouldn't the latter approach mean that changes to one url var instance wouldn't propogate to other instances?

TyOverby commented 2 years ago
  • Bonsai.Var, for truly global state, since it acts as a mutable container that can feed into computations via Bonsai.Var.value.
  • Bonsai.Dynamic_scope, for "semi-global" state which is shared among some computation subgraph.

Is this an idiomatic way of thinking about Bonsai and global state?

Yeah, that's how I think about it at least!

There's a lot to be improved (e.g. functorizing over a fixed variant of routes), but one of the things I noticed is that my approach has a single global Var.t, whereas the "Bonsai web ui url var" implementation provides functions to create separate instances of url vars. Wouldn't the latter approach mean that changes to one url var instance wouldn't propogate to other instances?

Yes, it's undefined behavior to use two Url_var.t. Because of this, we recommend that people make a single instance at the top of their program, and reference it from other components.

askvortsov1 commented 2 years ago

Because of this, we recommend that people make a single instance at the top of their program, and reference it from other components.

Out of curiosity, why provide functions for creating Url_var.ts in that library instead of only offering that single instance?

TyOverby commented 2 years ago

’a Url_var.t Is parameterized on the ‘a that the user provides to parse into and out of, so we can’t have a single instance

askvortsov1 commented 2 years ago

Ah my bad, I missed that it's parametric. Makes sense, thank you!