janestreet / sexplib

Automated S-expression conversion
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pa_sexp_conv and wildcards #2

Closed trefis closed 11 years ago

trefis commented 11 years ago

Hi again!

I noticed a problem when using with sexp in presence of unused type parameters (unused since pa_sexpconv can't handle GADTs), e.g. `# type t = int with sexp;; Error: Failure: "get_tparamid: not a type parameter\n"`

This problem (which is also present in other syntax extensions like bin_prot) can be easily fixed by ignoring these wildcards (because we obviously don't need to know how to convert values of such types to and from sexps).

Just 3 lines of code were necessary to "fix" the problem:

diff --git a/syntax/pa_sexp_conv.ml b/syntax/pa_sexp_conv.ml
index af498db..1f002e2 100644
--- a/syntax/pa_sexp_conv.ml
+++ b/syntax/pa_sexp_conv.ml
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ open Syntax
 module Gen = Pa_type_conv.Gen

 (* Utility functions *)
+let remove_unused_parameters tps =
+  List.filter tps ~f:(function Ast.TyAny _loc -> false | _ -> true)

 let mk_rev_bindings loc fps =
   let coll (i, bindings, patts, vars) fp =
@@ -558,6 +560,7 @@ module Generate_sexp_of = struct
       | `Match matchings ->
           <:expr@loc< fun [ $matchings$ ] >>
+    let tps = remove_unused_parameters tps in
     let patts =
       List.map tps
         ~f:(fun ty -> <:patt@loc< $lid:"_of_" ^ Gen.get_tparam_id ty$>>)
@@ -1328,6 +1331,7 @@ module Generate_of_sexp = struct
     let external_name = type_name ^ "_of_sexp" in
     let internal_name = type_name ^ "_of_sexp__" in
+    let tps = remove_unused_parameters tps in
     let arg_patts, arg_exprs =
       List.split (
         List.map ~f:(function tp ->

I'm not doing a merge request because the remove_unused_parameters function could probably be included in the type_conv library, especially if you modify the other extensions the same way.

The result being :

# type _ t = int with sexp;;
type _ t = int
val t_of_sexp__ : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> int = <fun>
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib.Sexp.t -> int = <fun>
val sexp_of_t : int -> Sexplib.Sexp.t = <fun>

Which is different from what is produced when you write type 'a t = int with sexp but I don't think that is a problem. On the contrary it offers (imho) more expressivity.

PS: I included the patch (which takes a lot of screen space here) because, while being only minor, the work doesn't need to be done twice.

ghost commented 11 years ago

One (minor) issue I can think of is that we would need to use [t] instead of [_ t] inside [<:sexp_of< >>]. It may be confusing if the type is abstract.

ghost commented 11 years ago

forwarded the question internally, here is a better response:

I am not sure how this would play with gadts, if we wanted to support them.

And them obviously this is a change of the call convention and since we don't have any typing information available, uses of the type would have to show that the type parameter is ignored.

Using t instead of _ t doesn't work in general because what about:

type _ t = int with sexp
type 'a u = 'a t with sexp


You would have to have some more magic types in pa_sexp:

type _ t = int with sexp
type 'a u = 'a sexp_phantom t with sexp

or something.

It is not obvious that this is preferable to writing the few wrappers to drop the type arguments by hand.

trefis commented 11 years ago

For GADTs, the situation is already problematic (and I see no good ways to handle them in general), so I don't think the change I proposed would have been the major issue.

For the other points : I didn't think of these two situations, my bad. I never used the [<:sexp_of...>] syntax so I don't know how much of a problem it would be, but the second issue (where you alias [t] with [u]) is obviously problematic and I'm a bit ashamed not to have thought about it.

So yes, I think I agree with you that writting the wrappers manually is probably the most reasonable solution.

Thank you for your time!