janet-lang / janet

A dynamic language and bytecode vm
MIT License
3.57k stars 229 forks source link

Should add more distribution methods (various GNU/Linux distro package managers, an official Docker repository etc.) #324

Open ahungry opened 4 years ago

ahungry commented 4 years ago

Janet runs quite nicely in a base alpine docker image as such:

       FROM alpine:latest

       RUN apk add --update git gcc make libc-dev
       WORKDIR /usr/src
       RUN git clone https://github.com/janet-lang/janet /usr/src/janet && cd /usr/src/janet && make && make install
       CMD /usr/local/bin/janet

If you were to make an official repo on docker hub, you could allow people to run this very small image of a janet repl/runtime with no more needed than:

docker run --rm -it janet:latest

While also serving as a strong base for a build image.

Similarly, having "pacman -S janet" or "apt-get install janet" just work out of the box would really help with proliferating the language.


bakpakin commented 4 years ago

I think putting an official image on docker hub would be nice, as the official image could be quite small and easy to maintain.

I personally don’t feel like maintaining or even advocating for distro packages, but other people are free to do so. If Janet does land in Debian or Ubuntu, I would work to ensure backwards compatibility somewhat as those are less rolling releases than things like arch, homebrew, and gentoo.

It’s also worth noting that to have a good experience with Janet and jpm, having a C compiler toolchain installed is useful, as well as git. And once you have a toolchain and git, installing Janet from source is pretty simple.

So I think for the docker image, it would be good to have a janet-micro image, which is like alpine Linux and with no git nor gcc, and a janet-development image which has gcc and git installed so jpm will work.

cellularmitosis commented 4 years ago

On a related note, here is a script to build and install janet into /opt.


set -e -o pipefail

mkdir -p $HOME/dist
if [ ! -e $HOME/janet-${version}.tar.gz ]; then
     wget -O $HOME/dist/janet-${version}.tar.gz $url

cd /tmp
rm -rf janet-${version}
cat $HOME/dist/janet-${version}.tar.gz | gunzip | tar x
cd janet-${version}
make PREFIX=/opt/janet-${version}
make test PREFIX=/opt/janet-${version}
make install PREFIX=/opt/janet-${version}
ln -sf /opt/janet-${version}/bin/janet /usr/local/bin/
ln -sf /opt/janet-${version}/bin/jpm /usr/local/bin/

Edit: the above was tested on Debian (Buster) (i686, x86_64, ARMv5), Raspbian (Buster) (ARMv7), and macOS (Mojave) / Homebrew.

cellularmitosis commented 4 years ago

By the way, the above script works on Windows 7 / MSYS2 if you make the following modifications to the Makefile:

One of the test cases fails under Windows 7 / MSYS2:

error: unable to create temporary file - Permission denied
  in file/temp
  in _thunk [test/suite7.janet] (tailcall) on line 300, column 10
make: *** [Makefile:191: test] Error 1
cellularmitosis commented 4 years ago

I ran into issues on OS X (Tiger, PowerPC) due to missing clock_gettime, arc4random_buf and posix_spawn.

cellularmitosis commented 4 years ago

Startup time is fantastic!

time janet -e '(+ 1 1)'

allisio commented 4 years ago

Startup time is fantastic!

Not just the startup time! Janet is, like, crazy-fast.

$ thyme 100 janet bf.janet hw.bf
     26 0.003
     64 0.004
      8 0.005
      2 0.006

That's executing this brainfuck interpreter on this input, and doing so practically immediately on an i5-5300U. Serious candidate for new sweet-spot Lisp.

cellularmitosis commented 4 years ago

Ooh, what is thyme? Having trouble googling it.

allisio commented 4 years ago

Ah, that's just a little zsh function I have for running the time builtin repeatedly and collecting the results into a histogram:

thyme() {
    n=$1; shift
    repeat $n do
        (time $* > /dev/null) 2>&1 | cut -d ' ' -f 9
    done | sort -n | uniq -c

It's not exactly surgical, but it works fine for off-the-cuff benchmarks.

cellularmitosis commented 4 years ago

(sorry for the thread hijack!)

A while back I used a trivial (non-tail-recursive) fibonacci benchmark to compare startup latency and raw function-call throughput of some scheme interpreters: https://gist.github.com/cellularmitosis/aa3001c8d5a961f7b382f6576978b644

Today I updated this by adding Clojure, Planck, Joker, and Janet.

Screen Shot 2020-05-03 at 9 49 03 AM

Screen Shot 2020-05-03 at 9 49 14 AM

Again, Janet's startup latency is crazy! Additionally, its throughput is also impressive, when you consider that Chez, Clojure, Planck, Racket are all JIT'ed.

I should add Guile 3.x, as that includes as JIT as well.

froh commented 4 years ago

You could use the open build server to build rpm and Deb packages and docker images. https://openbuildservice.org/2018/05/09/container-building-and-distribution/

amano-kenji commented 2 years ago

What are you talking about? Among all languages I tried, janet integrates the best with linux distribution package managers. Raku was the second best in terms of distro integration. Raku is pretty good, too.

I already integrated janet and jpm modules with gentoo linux and arch linux.

ahungry commented 2 years ago

@amano-kenji who are you addressing?

My request here is that janet be in the official distributions, which is more of a maintenance request and not denying what you've stated (that janet is very portable).

pacman -Ss janet - still no results.

pikaur -Ss janet - produces janet-lang and some other candidates - so, that's a great improvement! Please note this thread is now 2 years old, and I don't think janet-lang was in the Arch linux AUR back then.

Maybe my original intent was more to press for the advocacy steps to promote janet interest in those distribution channels - obviously the debian/arch maintainers are unlikely to read/respond to this thread, so such a request for action would probably have to originate there and not here :smile: