If I don't specify an 'id' value and instead leave it null, it seems to work. However if I put in an object id or the full model, it always says parent is not defined and errors out.
Any idea what could be causing this? Below is a short trace:
at TCP.onread (net.js:526:21)ReferenceError: parent is not defined at Promise.<anonymous> (/var/www/Proj/server/node_modules/mongoose-materialized/lib/materialized.js:153:33)
I seem to be getting
parent is not defined
anytime I call:Cat.AppendChild('_id', {name : 'test'}, function(err, doc){});
If I don't specify an 'id' value and instead leave it null, it seems to work. However if I put in an object id or the full model, it always says parent is not defined and errors out.
Any idea what could be causing this? Below is a short trace:
at TCP.onread (net.js:526:21)ReferenceError: parent is not defined at Promise.<anonymous> (/var/www/Proj/server/node_modules/mongoose-materialized/lib/materialized.js:153:33)