janfiedler / mineiota

IOTA Faucet - Get IOTA through mining Monero and PIVX staking pool
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Android CPU Wakelock/ Native App #77

Closed D3nkNugZ closed 5 years ago

D3nkNugZ commented 5 years ago

Hey there! I've been absolutely loving this project. You've also introduced me to the joys of PIVX and I'm very thankful.

I currently have a small army of my old android phones running, oddly enough its quite profitable! there are a couple of issues however. firstly: you cannot lock the screen, change tabs or applications for an extended period of time. Which in reality isn't much of an issue as they are my old phones and I don't ever actively use them. This however creates a second problem that in order to bypass this I need to leave the phone unlocked with the screen going and the system set to not lock when charging. screen on = more power = less profit :c . Any assistance for a fix would be really helpful but I understand android isn't really a platform the crypto world has a lot of control over (also this is the mineiota github not the android github...).

Aside from my android issue the reason why I'm posting is I personally don't have the skills to, yet really want to see a version of this project developed into a native android app (even if google play store wont host it!) As it would be an awesome asset to help the crypto community expand. IOTA have produced an (in my opinion) fantastic wallet for android. With the ability to use any (well...most...) phone CPU with this project a beginner user can go from a 0 dollar investment with 0 crypto assets to 0.000001usd worth of crypto in under 10 minutes without needing any form of PC knowledge. Personally I think a couple millionths of a cent with no PC doesn't sound too intense but in reality that is SHOCKINGLY powerful. I'm sure this is one of the key components of this "killer app" we've all heard about. As far as I've seen that feature doesn't really exist in the crypto world (this is only as far as I've seen, I definitely haven't been everywhere online regarding crypto market and am always happy to be educated.)

TL;DR gimmie dat native android app boieee!

Anyway I really appreciate all the hard work and am glad my hashes are going toward such a fantastic project as this.

Love and Light from DJD3N

janfiedler commented 5 years ago

Hi, thank you for your message and support. 1) Screen on To keep screen on, best way how to do it is activate developer options in your phone and then check "Do not turn screen off when is charging". (https://www.google.cz/search?q=android+developer+options) 2) Native apps, this will be possible soon. I am working on modification xmr proxy, to be able track how many hashes any device make. So will be possible use mining android apps (also cpu and gpu apps with better performance). Also this take fee from coinhive so you will get around 15% more iota in case you can withdraw anytime, or when you will wait on pool goal for automatic withdrawal, you get around 35% more iota. However google ban all minig aps from google play, but i think they will be still possible downoald apk from github.

Thank you for now and see you soon with new functions that will help you use your old phones ;)