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docs: integrations/AnythingLLM #91

Open Propheticus opened 1 month ago

Propheticus commented 1 month ago


AnythingLLM enables the embedding of documents and web URLs, cuts them into chunks and stores them in a vector database.

AnythingLLM uses the VectorDB to match the chunks that have the highest semantic similarity to your query. Then it adds those as context to the prompt that is sent to the LLM running on Jan. You can 'pin' a particular document to paste that into the context in its entirety. How well this pinning works depends on how well the model that you use can handle large contexts.

[!TIP] Mistral 7B instruct v0.2 can handle contexts up to 32k tokens without having a 'lost-in-the-middle' problem. This makes it a good candidate when you want to run a model locally for a RAG use-case. Another good option is a large context flavour of Llama 3. There's 32k, 64k, and even 262k context versions. Make sure you have enough (V)RAM though!

On top of threads, they've added the concept of workspaces. Per workspace you can embed sets of documents that make sense together. This way you can have separate workspaces for asking questions about different topics.

This enhances Jan to enable more advanced RAG applications; Jan can currently only attach one document to a thread at a time.


Jan - local API


Setting up a workspace

Your first RAG

This is the principle. You can do the same with text files, audio, csv's, spreadsheets,....

Propheticus commented 1 month ago

This is a version without screenshots. In line with most of your docs apart from the quickstart.

An SVG image I had added in bulletpoint 2 under 'Jan' is removed by Github:

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="flex-shrink-0 text-muted-foreground"><rect width="18" height="18" x="3" y="3" rx="2"></rect><path d="m10 10-2 2 2 2"></path><path d="m14 14 2-2-2-2"></path></svg>

(this is a literal steal from your UI) Hoped it would render like in Obsidian locally: image Replaced with <>

mr-september commented 1 month ago

Did you change anything about the embedder settings? I am getting:

Pinecone::Invalid ENV settings

when I try to upload a document or use the jan documentation website in your example above. After clicking "Save and Embed".

Update: Nevermind, solved: https://github.com/Mintplex-Labs/anything-llm/issues/1018

My settings showed I was using LanceDB already but just clicking it and saving it again worked. Looks like the backend and frontend got out of sync.

Propheticus commented 3 weeks ago

@hiro-v I've updated the first comment to reflect the new LLM selection option in ALLM image