janhurst / unisa-tbi

Decision Support Tool for suspected Traumatic Brain Injuries
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Develop initial front end / UI #29

Closed janhurst closed 2 years ago

NikiRPatel commented 4 years ago

I am fetching all input variables from HTML under name as JSON and then converting them to dataframe to map them with features selected by model. Therefore, we can now map any new variable with Excel column heading and it should work.

NikiRPatel commented 4 years ago

These are the fields we can create in UI and can use same name as bellow to map. InjuryMech High_impact_InjSev Amnesia_verb LOCSeparate LocLen Seiz SeizOccur SeizLen ActNorm HA_verb HASeverity HAStart VomitNbr Dizzy GCSEye GCSVerbal GCSMotor GCSTotal AMS AMSAgitated AMSSleep AMSSlow AMSRepeat AMSOth SFxPalp SFxPalpDepress FontBulg SFxBas SFxBasHem SFxBasOto SFxBasPer SFxBasRet SFxBasRhi Hema HemaLoc HemaSize Clav ClavFace ClavNeck ClavFro ClavOcc ClavPar ClavTem NeuroD NeuroDMotor NeuroDSensory NeuroDCranial NeuroDReflex NeuroDOth OSI OSIExtremity OSICut OSICspine OSIFlank OSIAbdomen OSIPelvis OSIOth Drugs AgeinYears Gender Ethnicity Race PosIntFinal