janicelicy / SeCA

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Not applicable to images with bglight(1)=-1 #2

Open athinail opened 1 year ago

athinail commented 1 year ago

I try to apply the SeCA technique on some images but I don't get any results. I checked the code in SeCA_BMVC.m and due to the following if statement (line 30):

%% Recover image along the range if (bglight(1) ~= -1)

the algorithm doesn't process any image if bglight(1)=-1. How can I implement it on an image with bglight(1)=-1?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

janicelicy commented 1 year ago


SeCA is designed for images with visible blue water mass -- if the water mass detection algorithm could not find any large enough (15 by 15 pixels, if I remember rightly) water mass regions bglight is then set to -1. Does your test image belong to other water type, or does not contain the visible regions? Other algorithms might work better in this case. You can also share the image with me if you don't mind.


athinail commented 1 year ago

Hi Janice,

Thank you very much for your reply. I am attaching two of the images that I cannot implement the algorithm on if you want to try it and share your insights/tips with me. What would be the result if I remove this if command that checks if bglight is -1?

Kind regards, vid_000081_frame0000023 vid_000085_frame0000024