janimo / textsecure

TextSecure client package for Go
GNU General Public License v3.0
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push service error #23

Closed amatanat closed 8 years ago

amatanat commented 8 years ago


I am trying to run my own signal-android. When android device in connected to the server, after code verification it generate keys but gives error in registering with server as 'was unable to connect to push service'. How can I solve this problem?

janimo commented 8 years ago

Hello, I am not sure how this is related to the Go textsecure package. Can you clarify?

amatanat commented 8 years ago

I am not sure maybe it is not the correct package to ask this question. Maybe it is related to WhisperSystems/TextSecure-Server package.

janimo commented 8 years ago

If you are not using this package (which is a client library written in Go, and has nothing to do with the Android client) then the issue to report is against Android-Signal. But if you built your own Android client you'll need your own REGISTRATION_ID registered with google and change it in src/org/thoughtcrime/securesms/jobs/GcmRefreshJob.java There's documentation on the internet about how to set up your apps GCM ID for push to work.