jankae / LibreCAL

4 port eCal module
GNU General Public License v3.0
60 stars 19 forks source link

LibreCAL USB VID/PID not official #12

Closed bvernoux closed 1 year ago

bvernoux commented 1 year ago

I have discovered (in https://github.com/jankae/LibreCAL/blob/main/Software/LibreCAL/src/USB/usb_descriptors.c#L50) that LibreCAL use following VID/PID:

I really doubt such USB VID / PID usage are allowed by STMicroelectronics (especially as the LibreCAL does not use any STMicroelectronics MCU) and it will be better to ask for official one from https://github.com/pidcodes/pidcodes.github.com LibreCAL (like LibreVNA) will comply to all rules of pidcodes to obtain dedicated PID (using their VID 0x1209 ) which requires open source firmware and open source hardware

jankae commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I was aware of the pidcodes project but didn't bother with it so far - thanks for pushing the issue. I have just requested a PID for the LibreCAL as well as the LibreVNA

bvernoux commented 1 year ago

Great news I see the PR is here https://github.com/pidcodes/pidcodes.github.com/pull/830 Latest status is => All good. Repos are clear. So soon it shall be merged and official

jankae commented 1 year ago

The PR on the pidcodes was merged and I updated the PID/VID for both this and the LibreVNA project. I am having some compiler issues on my end so I am unable to verify the change but I literally just changed the defined VID so I think this is safe to commit without testing