jankae / LibreCAL

4 port eCal module
GNU General Public License v3.0
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LibreCAL Embedded Firmware improvement limit calibration points per file #14

Closed bvernoux closed 1 year ago

bvernoux commented 1 year ago

My proposal for LibreCAL Embedded Firmware is to add a limit of 10001 or 5001 calibration points per *.snp file. That limit shall allow in worst case to create all 4 ports calibration files with enough space in flash (limited to 748KB today).

Actual limitation with default 16Mbits (2MBytes) SPI Flash for calibration:

jankae commented 1 year ago

I would rather not restrict the number of points to a specific value. Someone might want more points but e.g. only store coefficients for ports 1 and 2 (in case of a two port VNA). What I would much prefer is using a bigger SPI Flash. The software already supports up to 128Mbits (with the W25Q128JV). Even larger devices could be added in the future but I believe they would require a new layout (using a different package).

bvernoux commented 1 year ago

Yes let's keep it like that, I have tested that in worst case during creation of the snp file if there is not enough space in SPI Flash that will return an error