jankae / LibreCAL

4 port eCal module
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Questions about Manual control use case with Port Select Port1/2/3/4 & Function Select Through #4

Closed bvernoux closed 1 year ago

bvernoux commented 1 year ago

Today it is not very clear how work the Manual control towards Through Function selection and Port Select Port1/2/3/4 (checked also in latest documentation https://github.com/jankae/LibreCAL/blob/main/Documentation/manual.pdf October 3, 2022) If I want to do manual calibration all is clear for Port Select of PORT1/2/3/4 and Function Select for Open/Short/Load But it is not clear for Through especially as Through requires to know Source & Destination Port and it is not clear how we can select that in Manual control.

Could you clarify how it works with Manual control ? Case Port1 & Through:

Case Port2 & Through:

Case Port3 & Through:

Case Port4 & Through:

Now the question does it is possible to select the Port Source & Port Destination for Through in Manual control ? See following cases:

jankae commented 1 year ago

Now the question does it is possible to select the Port Source & Port Destination for Through in Manual control ?

Yes, just set the two ports you wish to connect both to the through standard. As long as only one port is set to through, no connection will be made.

How does it is displayed with LEDs ?

While in manual mode: the LED of the selected port is blinking and if the port is currently set to a standard, the corresponding standard LED is on.

While in normal operating mode (assuming a through connection between two ports and no other configured standards): through LED is on and the port LEDs of both ports as well.

Port1 => Through => Port3

  1. set port 1 to through
  2. Set port 3 to through

You can also have two through connections at the same time, as long as there is no overlap between the ports (e.g. 1<->3 and 2<->4). Throughs are connected in the order they are created. So for this example:

  1. Set port 1 to through (no actual switching yet)
  2. Set port 3 to through (completes the connection between port 1 and 3)
  3. Set port 2 to through (no actual switching yet)
  4. Set port 4 to through (completes the connection between port 2 and 4)
bvernoux commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for the clarification