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What It Took to Build a Rails Integration for Rodauth | Janko Marohnić #41

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

What It Took to Build a Rails Integration for Rodauth | Janko Marohnić

When Rodauth came out, I was excited to finally have a full-featured authentication framework that wasn’t tied to Rails, given that existing solutions required either Rails (Devise, Sorcery), or at least Active Record (Authlogic). Even though I mainly develop in Rails, I want other Ruby web frameworks to be viable alternatives, so I’m naturally drawn to generic solutions that everyone can use.


Samuelodan commented 1 year ago

I can't thank you enough for building this gem and writing about it. I find that there's always something new to learn whenever I reread this article. The highlight of this most recent visit was how to call Internal Requests at the instance level. I had a ton of fun checking out the myriad of methods available. Not sure what the use cases will be at the moment, but it sure feels handy to have.

Oh, I also learned about this commenting system, Utterances.