jankovicsandras / imagetracerjs

Simple raster image tracer and vectorizer written in JavaScript.
The Unlicense
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Ignore White / monotone svg #26

Closed skaggetse closed 5 years ago

skaggetse commented 5 years ago

Thanks for this great script. I have a question though:

When tracing pixelimages to vector in Adobe Illustrator, there's an option to "Ignore white". This means there will be no white box around an object.

I'm trying to achieve the same output with this script, but the palette-options seems to only change the input image before the tracing part, so it does not output correctly.

This is my image: img

This is my options: options = { colorsampling:false, colorquantcycles:1, pal:[ {r:0,g:0,b:0,a:255}, {r:255,g:255,b:255,a:255} ] };

This is the result:

skarmavbild 2019-02-15 kl 21 17 00

Now, if I change the white color in my palette to transparent( {r:255,g:255,b:255,a:0}), this happens:

skarmavbild 2019-02-15 kl 21 17 52

This is what I was expecting to get:

skarmavbild 2019-02-15 kl 21 19 02

Is it possible to get my expected output?

jankovicsandras commented 5 years ago


Yes, it's possible, you just need to change the palette after tracing, but before rendering. imageToTracedata is probably the easiest way to do this. Here's an example with some boilerplate HTML:

<body onload="onload_init()">

function onload_init(){

    var options = { colorsampling:false, colorquantcycles:1,


            // loop on palette, set white-like colors transparent
            for(var i=0; i<tracedata.palette.length; i++){

                var whiteness = tracedata.palette[i].r+tracedata.palette[i].g+tracedata.palette[i].b;
                var whitetreshold = 600; // r>=200 g>=200 b>=200 will be considered white

                    // tracedata.layers[i] can be removed with array.splice()
                    // but we will render it with transparency for simplicity
                    tracedata.palette[i].r = 0;
                    tracedata.palette[i].g = 0;
                    tracedata.palette[i].b = 0;
                    tracedata.palette[i].a = 0;

            }// End of loop on palette

            // render and append SVG string to body
                ImageTracer.getsvgstring( tracedata, options )

        },// End of imageToTracedata callback()


    );// End of ImageTracer.imageToTracedata()

}// End of onload_init()

<script src="imagetracer_v1.2.5.js"></script>

I hope this answers your question, you can reopen this issue if you need more help. :)