jankowskib / FELix

An open-source flash tool for Allwinner
45 stars 11 forks source link

Hello and thanks for great appa #2

Closed Tigrouzen closed 7 years ago

Tigrouzen commented 7 years ago

i got this now on ubuntu 15.10

[FATAL] undefined local variable or method `dev' for #FELSuit:0x000000029aea50

jankowskib commented 7 years ago

What is your Ruby version and what command did you use?

jankowskib commented 7 years ago

Hmm I made silly typo. Sorry for that. Apply commit https://github.com/lolet/FELix/commit/01a39b403ce3d57b59d0a89190bda3f7776fb930 Let me know if you still have any issues

Tigrouzen commented 7 years ago

Ruby 2.2.4

https://github.com/lolet/FELix/pull/3/commits/c3021ccccb3a962dedfb50515990920555215a23 :