jankuca / ng-scroller

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Could you please write some installation instructions? #5

Closed akarelas closed 11 years ago

akarelas commented 11 years ago

I'm not very familiar with bower, and don't know what to do here in order to use ng-scroller in my website. Apparently bower search scroller doesn't return ng-scroller, so I can't just do: bower install ng-scroller

akarelas commented 11 years ago

Unless I should <script src="..."> five .js files (which I doubt was your intention)

akarelas commented 11 years ago

I just saw build.sh in the root directory of this repository. In understand the bower command, and can execute it, but cannot execute runner deps because there is no runner package in ubuntu. Many packages contain a runner executable. Which one should I choose?

jankuca commented 11 years ago

Hi, simply running npm install in the project directory should be enough to use this.

akarelas commented 11 years ago

Hello! npm install ran very nicely. Where can I find now the .js file to include in <script src> tags? And is there only one .js file I need to include or are there dependencies?

akarelas commented 11 years ago

I'm asking because there's literally hundreds of .js files produced under ./node_modules

jankuca commented 11 years ago

I am not sure if you are familiar with the Google Closure Tools and how to build apps using the Google Closure Library. I am currently building this directive on top of this library and including it in an app is not as simple as adding a <script> tag to the page.

The runner command is configured via the client.json file to create the /examples/build/twitter-deps.js and /examples/build/facebook-deps.js files.

If you want to play with the directive, you are best just copying one of the examples and editing them. Look at the /examples/twitter/js/main.js file to see how is the directive included—there are calls to goog.require('ng.Scroller') and module.directive('ngScroller', ...).

I have not got to creating a general build script one could use to include the directive in a non-Google Closure-based project.

akarelas commented 11 years ago

Ok thanks. If creating such a script is in the plans for the future, I'll be happy.

akarelas commented 11 years ago

I'll be looking forward to downloading the non-closure version of the library.

jankuca commented 11 years ago

Check it out! http://ngscroller.herokuapp.com

akarelas commented 11 years ago

Excellent! Thanks! I got up from bed to try it!