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How social networks prey on our longing to be known #3

Open utterances-bot opened 3 months ago

utterances-bot commented 3 months ago

How social networks prey on our longing to be known

An up close an personal look into why we should be extremely careful when sharing about ourselves online, no matter how shiny an app or network might be.


kaveinthran commented 3 months ago

great writings and resources

I love how you dive deep into these issues. Would you consider writing about the resistance that is forged by internet citizens to these big techs? it can be in a good way such as internet archive, wikipedia as a revolt to the elitist encyclopedias, or the piracy cultures that gives a lot of information access through scihub, libgen particularly to the global south people. A part from how to be archivist, I can't find good reads on the history, cultural and subcultures documentations on internet pirate culture. Writer and curator Robert Kingett recommended blood in the machine book but its more towards how resistance happens during the machine culture.

Do enlighten me on this, if you may.