janmarthedal / math-tex

A custom element for typesetting math written in (La)TeX
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Cross-browser compatibility with Polymer 2.0 #5

Open markcampanelli opened 7 years ago

markcampanelli commented 7 years ago

With Mac OS 10.12.4 and webcomponents/webcomponentsjs 1.0.1 with polymer/polymer 2.0.1, on Firefox 53.0.3 and Safari 10.1, elements render as raw text and I get the following console error:

TypeError: document.registerElement is not a function

Chrome 58.0.3029.110 seems to render fine, however, but I have numerous Firefox users.

Also, is there a way to import everything needed for this element as html imports? Currently I wrap the math-tex.js and mathjax-loader.js script loads in a separate html file so as to load using something like

I think this is a preferred way of loading, at least in the polymer ecosystem, e.g., it avoids duplicate script loading.

janmarthedal commented 6 years ago

I have not looked at this project for a long time, so I am not able to answer your questions right now.

I am sure that the web components eco-system has changed since the last (major) commit. I hope to get a sense of the current project status soon. I will get back then.