janmisek / ember-error-handler

Error handling for ambitious web applications
MIT License
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Q: route consumer #5

Closed basz closed 5 years ago

basz commented 5 years ago

I'm wondering if the following scenario is the correct one.

I want my app to go to a maintenance page whenever our endpoints start returning 503's I've got this for ember-data and my own ajax calls.

However I'm also using ember-simple-auth to authenticate. When that fails I need to throw an exception like so:

 actions: {
    authenticate(identity, password) {
      this.get('session').authenticate('authenticator:oauth2-password-grant', identity, password)
        .catch(error => {
          if (!isNone(error.status) && 503 === error.status) {
            throw new MaintenanceError();

However the trick from the ember pages does not work and the wsod is invoked.


error(error, transition) {
      alert('error in app');
      if (error instanceof MaintenanceError) {

      // ...other error handling logic

I'm guessing creating an consumer and somehow registering that would be able to do this. Is that guess correct and what step would I need to take to do that?

Thanks for an otherwise great add-on

janmisek commented 5 years ago

Yes this is correct approach.

Register your own consumer as first consumer and process errors yourself. See examples from my application:

# instance-initializers/ember-error-handler-instance-initializer.js

export default {
  after: 'ember-error-handler-instance-initializer',
  name: 'ember-error-handler-extensions-instance-initializer',
  initialize(owner) {
    const manager = owner.lookup('service:ember-error-handler.error-manager');

    // insert consumer on first position to skip ember concurrency errors

    // push consumer to stop routing on error


then implement your own consumer. Error is not processed further when false is returned from consumer.

# filter-error-consumer.js

export default BaseConsumer.extend({

   * we skip cancelled tasks errors in production
   * http://ember-concurrency.com/#/docs/task-cancelation-help
   * @param e
   * @returns {boolean}
  isCancelled(errorDescriptor) {

    let e = errorDescriptor.error;
    let cancelled = false;
    do {
      if (e) {
        cancelled = cancelled || didCancel(e);
        e = e.previous
    } while (e);

    if (cancelled) {
      if (config.environment !== 'production') {
        const loggerService = getOwner(this).lookup(LOGGER_SERVICE_NAME);
        loggerService.warn('Supressed error: Ember concurrency task cancelled', errorDescriptor.get('normalizedStack'));
      return true;


  consume(errorDescriptor) {

    if (this.isCancelled(errorDescriptor)) {
      return false;

    // add other filters here

    return true;

basz commented 5 years ago

Apart from LOGGER_SERVICE_NAME not being defined I got it working!

Great and thank you!