jannefiluren / WaterFlows.jl

Julia package for hydrological modelling
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Should we copy the ODM model structure #14

Open jannefiluren opened 6 years ago

jannefiluren commented 6 years ago

Shouldn´t we copy the model structure from ODM such that we have completly parallell models?

This is quite tedious. Perhaps Bård can make a c# library that we can call?

kolbjornengeland commented 6 years ago

The similarity could be for only elevation Distributed models. So that we use 1: The same way to define elevation bands. Then it is much easyer to use the same data inputs 2: The same way to use landuse types. 3: the same implementation of model algorithms. For the last two points, the transition from results in Julia to implementation in ODM will be smooth. If not we will need to re-alibrate HBV models and even assimilation algorithms when and if implementing in ODM.

Stein has identical algorithms in C++, so maybe it is a better choice if we should be able to use it both on Lunix and Windows.

jannefiluren commented 6 years ago

1: The same way to define elevation bands. Then it is much easyer to use the same data inputs

The model can handle any number of elevation bands right now, so using the "standard format" will be easy.

2: The same way to use landuse types.

Yes, that we can do once we have those. Lets see what Bård comes up with.

ElinLangsholt commented 6 years ago

1: The same way to define elevation bands. Then it is much easyer to use the same data inputs

The 10 (eqially sized) bands in ODM/HBV are defines by the 11 boundaries between them. In Vann it seems that 10 bands would be defined by their mean band altitudes. But I guess that is the only attribute that needs a slight recalculation if we chose equal size for the Vann bands?