jannisborn / covid19_ultrasound

Open source lung ultrasound (LUS) data collection initiative for COVID-19.
154 stars 81 forks source link

Annotated Data #65

Closed muditgarg94 closed 4 years ago

muditgarg94 commented 4 years ago

I cannot find any file which annotates the given dataset. I appreciate if you can update the data with annotations or if it is there, would you please point out the file to me?

Thanks Mudit

jannisborn commented 4 years ago

Hi Mudit,

Please note that the files are named according to their class label. Files starting with "Reg" show healthy lungs, "Cov" is for COVID-19 etc.

If you were searching for region annotations to perform a segmentation task: those annotations are not available.

I'm closing this, please reopen if applicable.