Closed Cai0407 closed 4 years ago
Excellent finding! Thank you for updating the translation.
The term forward security is often used in academia, but forward secrecy is more widely used around the TLS ecosystem. I agree that changing it to forward secrecy is better.
For the translation of PFS to Japanese, some people use "前方秘匿性", a literal translation of "Forward Secrecy", but it is not the established term.
For example, CRYPTREC (Cryptography Research and Evaluation Committees) and IPA (Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan) , the agencies of the Japanese Government, use "Perfect Forward Secrecy" or "Forward secrecy" as it is without translation in their paper "Guidelines for Configuration of SSL/TLS”.
Ver 1.1 in 2014,, page 36 Ver 2.0 in 2018,, page 40-41
このような性質のことを、Perfect Forward Secrecy、または単にForward secrecyと呼んでいる。
translation in English
This property is called Perfect Forward Secrecy, or simply Forward secrecy.
I think it is better to keep "Perfect Forward Secrecy" or "Forward secrecy" in Japanese without translation for a while.
Thanks to @Albirew for comminting Japanese translation, however, there are several points for improvement.
Also there are typos in English master.