janpaepke / ScrollMagic

The javascript library for magical scroll interactions.
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How to make it responsive? #423

Open nabjoern opened 9 years ago

nabjoern commented 9 years ago

I have a website that I have animated with GSAP and ScrollMagic. Now I want to make it responsive. For this tweens need to be updated. Do I have to rewrite the tweens, or is there a function to do it?

trevordunn commented 8 years ago

Yes you'll have to rewrite the tweens. What about them are you changing? Their duration or css vars?

However, scene durations can be made responsive to the viewport height simply by specifying a percentage (ex. "100%"). See the Responsive Duration example.

valeriosillari commented 7 years ago

i am working also on a similar problem.

at resize of window i want to change the duration. i cannot use the responsive option (percentage 100%) because one of the section is bigger than the viewport, so I need to init again scroll magic and set a new duration value in pixels. any one has the same problem?

b4z81 commented 7 years ago

take a look at this site: http://design-voilaah.com/mnd/app/ and to the related js: http://design-voilaah.com/mnd/app/scripts/main.js

they managed the duration and the height of the scenes using dynamic values:

// calculate height and duration of each scene typicalHeight = parseInt( (newHeight - scene1Height) / 10, 10); curveHeight = typicalHeight/1.34; flatHeight = typicalHeight/0.86; $('.trigger', $cachedTriggers).each( function(i) { if (i > 0) { // for even i, we are in the curve, so the height is shorter (i % 2) ? $(this).height(curveHeight) : $(this).height(flatHeight); } });


new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: ".trigger.scene2", duration: curveHeight * ratio})

tim-basic commented 5 years ago

I'm working on a similar problem too. I've been using scrollmagic to change the color of a hamburger menu depending on which section it is sitting on. But on my durations go to hell when the orientation is changed or the length of something on a page increases after the initial load :/