janpaepke / ScrollMagic

The javascript library for magical scroll interactions.
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Overriding scrollmagic scrollTo to animate it does nothing at all. No errors either. #456

Open johnwbaxter opened 8 years ago

johnwbaxter commented 8 years ago

I have this code which should scrollTo the selected scene and it should be animated:

$('.scroll-trigger').click( function(e) {

                controller.scrollTo(function(target) {

                    TweenMax.to(window, 0.5, {
                        scrollTo : {
                            y : target, // scroll position of the target along y axis
                            autoKill : true // allows user to kill scroll action smoothly
                        ease : Cubic.easeInOut



That does nothing, but just going to the scene without the animation works fine:

$('.scroll-trigger').click( function(e) {

jshrssll commented 6 years ago

@johnwbaxter I know this is old, but incase anyone stumbles across this, you need to include the ScrollTo plugin

eg. import ScrollToPlugin from "gsap/ScrollToPlugin"

BharatBhatiya commented 6 years ago

Following code also work for scroll

                           controller.scrollTo(function(newScrollPos) {
                                $("html, body").animate({
                                    scrollTop: newScrollPos
krnlde commented 6 years ago

Close this issue?