janpantel / angular-sails

An angular module for using the sails socket.io api
MIT License
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What are the advantages of this library over the balderdashy one? (if any) #73

Closed nathanmarks closed 9 years ago

nathanmarks commented 9 years ago


I was just wondering what the advantages this has, if any, over https://github.com/balderdashy/angularSails

TheSharpieOne commented 9 years ago

In the current state, they are very similar. This was built first, prior to https://github.com/balderdashy/angularSails (not that it really matters),

In the future (2.0.0 currently in beta release), they will be more different. This project will no longer depend on sails.io.js (which has limited us before in the past) and aims to be a complete drop-in replacement to $http allowing one to effortlessly use $sails as if it was $http with all of the bells and whistles. Behind-the-scenes, it will of-course use sockets instead of http requests.

You can close this ticket if this response satisfies you, or reply if you need more information or have follow-up questions.

TheSharpieOne commented 9 years ago

Closing: Inactive.