janpaul123 / paperprograms

Run Javascript on pieces of paper!
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API doc improvements #46

Open shaunlebron opened 6 years ago

shaunlebron commented 6 years ago

I spent a few minutes typing this up for our group today with the goal of making the API docs more skimmable:


Would this be a better format for the API docs, or are there plans for something else?

janpaul123 commented 6 years ago

That looks like a good format! Maybe we should just drop that file into the repo and link to it directly (ie. just a github url)?

I do like having it be part of the repo because then we can have PRs that edit both the code and documentation at the same time so they don't get out of sync. What do you think?

shaunlebron commented 6 years ago

Yeah, let's do it. This is easier to modify for PRs for sure.

I'll PR this after adding the last whenPointsAt function to it

shaunlebron commented 6 years ago

Added a PR at #48.

And actually—how are API docs written/shared at Dynamicland?

janpaul123 commented 6 years ago

Thanks! In Dynamicland docs are pieces of paper posted in the physical space itself. Both static pieces of paper and interactive tutorial booklets. 🗒

shaunlebron commented 6 years ago

Ah, I think that's a better idea. We should probably throw out the normal computer docs then, and replace with an interactive binder. I think that fits the purpose of this medium to get people off the computer and into the dynamic space to learn about it.

How about a collection of built-in programs for this purpose that can be printed and bound?

sgwilym commented 6 years ago

Being able to print out a starter kit that introduces you to the API of Paper Programs (and maybe even some basic canvas stuff) would be wonderful. @shaunlebron you’re imagining a separate sheet for each part of the API, right?

One thing that runs counter to this a bit is the current state of the print queue UI - I wouldn’t want to rely on it for the printing out of a dozen pages 😬

shaunlebron commented 6 years ago

@sgwilym exactly, some details:

🎥 Dynamicland interactive booklet example

janpaul123 commented 6 years ago

What about making the print queue support multi-page jobs? (I always prefer extending existing functionality over writing new code for similar but different features, as it keeps things simple.)