janrueth / SiriServerPlugins

These are plugins I wrote for the SiriServer core
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i need help modding chatbot to run from computer for siri server. NO NETBOT. YOUR OWN A.I. FOR SIRI #13

Open lilmrjacob opened 12 years ago

lilmrjacob commented 12 years ago

i got siri to connect an talk to the bot but the input and output to the bot is stuffed up some were

siri > in put (10 CENTS) to ( bot > out put (fristhello : alice) siri> in put (ARE YOU IN BED) to (bot > out put (firsthello _:_alice)

siri cant talk to the chat bot but it hooks up to the chatbot and trys to talk to the bot ???

just tells me this all the time. and the siri chatbot plugin fails after.

if you want to help do this ill give you more info on what i have done thanks for your time

or if there is a siriserver chatbot that runs on the mac. NOT RUNNING OFF THE NET !!!!!! (so i can do what ever i want to the chat bot!!!!!! can some one let me know

thanks from jacob!!!!!!