jansche / AccessibleEvents

How to extend and transform events to happen online, in parts or entirely, in an accessible way.
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New Practice Submission: different styles of presentation in-person vs. online #3

Closed jansche closed 3 years ago

jansche commented 4 years ago

Is your idea applying to a specific event categorisation? Which one (In-Person, Online or Hybrid; small, medium, large or massive.) online & hybrid, all sizes

Describe the practice you'd like to see implemented or have already seen on events A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
NAME: Tune in to the audience (different styles of presentation in-person vs. online) WHAT: Online audiences connect better to the speaker and session if the presenter adapts to the online audience in their style of presentation. Less theater style, more aware of being in the immediate focus of the close-up camera and exclusive audio (assuming online attendees are in a quiet environment or on headphones). BENEFICIARIES: All online attendees.
TODO: Speaker needs to be aware of differences between presenting online vs offline.
TOOLS: Speaker skills.
RESPONSIBILITIES: Orga (providing learning resources for speakers), speakers

Where and when have you seen it being implemented (if applicable) Not yet seen actively applied.

Additional context Got this concept from an internal mail that I can't copy here.

jansche commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your Issue submission! Now find people to give this practice a thumbs up/👍. As soon as we have a reasonable (>5 for now) number of "thumbs up"/👍 the practice gets promoted from IN_TESTING to become an ACCESSIBILITY_GUIDANCE.